you may remember a while back i started a topic here asking for input on the prius for the redesign that they're working on. then the site crashed and i waited for a bit to see if it could be recovered, and eventually decided to quit waiting and just sent the list that i had, containing responses from about 120 people. well i was digging through my inbox and ran across the message we got in response to the list we sent in. i realized i never shared it with you guys. it reads: i removed a couple of unrelated things from the quote but the overall message stands. a big thank you. hopefully our input will be put to good use and we'll see some good improvements on the next gen prius.
Next requests: 1. install all the covers correctly in the factory. 2. don't overfill the oil at the factory. 3. is the shop manual wrong regarding the amount of oil to be added during an oil change, or is the dipstick wrong? 4. when set for defrost, don't default to outside air when the car is powered off and on again.
I can't remember if I responded but I hope Toyota will look more carefully at the manual before issuing it. So often with complex modern products the instruction manual seems to have been hurriedly and carelessly produced. In cases where it has been translated into English it is sometimes obvious that a native speaker of English was not among the proof-readers, if any. The present Toyota manual (for the 2005 Prius) is better than many in this respect but does contain examples of clumsy and almost incomprehensible language. The index could be improved. The draft of a new manual (in the English language) for a new car should be read in proof by at least one native English speaker who can write as well as the Toyota employee whose response is quoted in this topic.
Thanks, galaxee! That was a lot of work, mostly on your part, and it's great to hear a positive response.
I am looking forward to my lumbar supported, multi adjustable heated seats!!! Thanks. PS I think they spy on us too!! B)
I would be more specific and say, to restore the setting that existed when the defrost was turned on.
My biggest thing off the top of my head is that when I turn [Auto A/C] off, the entire air conditioning system shuts off. That may or may not be by design. But when I just want the fan and vent, I have to: 1. Turn [Auto A/C] off using the steering wheel button 2. Reach over and switch the MFD display to Climate 3. Select the fan speed (which always turns [Auto] back on) 4. Turn auto back off 5. If [Auto] changed the fan speed, reselect my originally desired fan speed 6. Adjust the blowers I know that I could eliminate steps 1 - 3 if I just used the MFD in the first place, but I would like to be able to press the steering wheel button once and toggle from 'auto' to 'vent'. Which also reminds me: just a button that says [Vent]. Yes I understand that when you are not recirculating and when you do not have [Auto A/C] selected and when you do not have front defrost running you are on vent. But I remember many questions on this board posted by new owners wondering where the [vent] button is and we have to explain that "well, if you're not this and not that and not doing this, then you're on vent by default."
guys. remember. we've already been through this. and i already sent the list... :lol: just wanted to let you all know it was received and appreciated by the US COO.
Your avatar keeps changing. Stand still! Yeah, sorry about posting new stuff in a thread talking about old stuff. But that does remind me of something else that should be changed . . . :lol:
Thanks, Galaxee. Their response sounds non-committal, but at least it means that someone at Toyota read it. We may never know if he actually sent it on to the engineering department, or was just doing a bit of PR for someone who spoke for a community of Prius owners. But we can hope that your list made it to the desk of someone who can actually consider our suggestions.
i'm still deciding on avatars. sorry, tony, for any confusion this may cause you daniel, this particular person is the most avid hybrid promoter i've ever seen. he's shown up in all sorts of interviews and has been quoted with extreme enthusiasm for hybrids, and when he visited the local dealer and found out we had a prius, he actually asked DH if he had any input and gave him his card. think this all happened before you came back. sometime in sept maybe? the last semester has just flown by me.