I love going to Starbucks and I love talking to the people behind the counter about things like "What's the largest number of espresso shots in any one drink that someone's ordered?" The biggest so far is 12 shots and the people behind the counter love this question. I'm also getting fond of asking fellow customers what their order is because some of them are soooooo complicated. Mine is relatively simple: double tall no-whip mocha which, translated, is a small mocha latte, no whipped cream, with an extra shot of espresso. I used to get a venti (large) mocha latte with no whipped cream but that had too many calories so I moved down to the small. They only put one shot in to a tall (unless you order more) but two in a venti so now I get the full liquid defibrilator with half the calories B) What's your favorite drink at Starbucks?
Hot chocolate w/whipped cream. I'm not a coffee or tea drinker, but love Starbuck's hot chocolate. Size usually varies depending on the approximate fullness of my tummy at the time I order. Mmmm....hot chocoate. Sounds so good right now...
I thought it was one shot in tall, 2 in grande and 3 in venti. I think the costco mocha default is 2 in a tall, which I think is perfect. Whip, um, sure. Actually, I'd have to go for the eggnog latte for favorite right now.
The eggnog latte is pretty good, too... and goes well with their pumpkin bread! I spend way too much money at Starbucks!
That actually sounds pretty good. Is the eggnog latte a coffee drink? I don't like the taste of coffee drinks, but if it's not, I'd like to try it out. Pumpkin bread...now my mouth's watering. I just finished off my supply of home-cooked zucchini bread.
Just about all the stuff mentioned is too sweet for me. I'll take a Triple Vente Latte, no foam please.
Zucchini bread sounds awesome! My mom makes a killer banana nut bread, which she didn't make this holiday season for some reason. <_< I found this with Google: How to make Starbucks EggNog Latte Combine cold eggnog with cold whole milk. Cold non-fat milk or soymilk can be substituted for the whole milk. Using the steaming wand on your espresso machine, steam the eggnog/milk mixture until the temperature reaches 145?F. Set aside. Eggnog heats and scalds faster than milk, so watch the thermometer closely. Tamp ground espresso into the filter. Pull a shot of espresso and pour it into the serving mug. Fill mug with steamed eggnog and milk. Top the drink with 1/4" foamed eggnog/milk mixture to the rim of the mug. Garnish with a sprinkle of ground nutmeg.
My regular order is a nonfat latte (sometimes with an extra shot, depending on my mood). My special-occasion super-indulgent order is a peppermint mocha.
My husband and I used to split a venti Macchiato before we discovered the White Chocolate Mocha. That's about the time we stopped sharing our coffee drinks, too.
They should change the name to FIVE BUCKS. I don't waste my money on that overpriced indulgence. I have a Tassimo machine right next to my desk. Everyone LOVES the mocha cappuccino I make and they all say it is BETTER than Star*ucks.
I honestly order a "Large coffee". They ask "Room for cream?" I say "Yes." I always liked Jerry Seinfeld's observation that Starbucks was targeted at people who would pay a couple of extra bucks for the feeling that they were in control of something, even if it were a drink order. Another Seinfeld observation is that Starbucks has become such a gathering place, that people are stopping for coffee on their way to Starbucks nowadays.
When it's cold outside: Venti nonfat latte When it's warm outside: ICED venti nonfat latte BTW, I believe they put 3 shots of espresso in the iced venti drinks and 2 in the hot venti drinks.
Two Starbucks stories. First the quick one: I live for the gingerbread latte. MMMmmmm Second, some time ago I was standing in line behind this very well dressed man. When he got up to order, he asked for one shot of espresso. The person behind the counter was confused and said that they don't sell just a shot of espresso but if he ordered a regular drink he would get the shot that way. For him, this would simply not do. He wanted one shot, in a small cup, and nothing diluting it. To reiterate his point about the whole deal, we started going off on how people drink coffee just for the buzz. Face it, it's not for the flavor, it's for the buzz. He didn't care about the taste of the coffee, he just wanted the buzz and that was that. He went on for a little while and then decided that the woman behind the counter was no longer listening so he turned to me. "Admit it," he said, "you drink coffee for the buzz, don't you?" "Actually," I said flatly, "I do cocaine for the buzz. I drink coffee for the flavor." He turned, accepted the latte he was offered and walked away.
A benefit of Starbucks is free coffee grounds. I pick the foil packages up on a regular basis and add them to the garden soil.
When my brain freezes and I can't think of what to get I always remember Mocha Valencia. It has a nice orange kick.