Yes, you can do it. Though, I'd use a sealant rather than turtle wax, much longer lasting. There are threads about products on here, my favorite is Zaino.
Oh, asking for car care finish advice? Nobody has any opinions on this. People are so passive. Get ready to hear the term..."Clay Bar" and 30 other terms that rhyme with it.... People have very specific rituals and beliefs. Usually they are very passionate about what they embrace in this area. You ask "Any disadvantages?"...and I'll venture only so far as to say, that I think if you use any modern product, carefully in the manner for which it is designed, I don't think there would be any disadvantage. IMO the only time people seem to create a problem or get in trouble is when they hurry, cut corners, or use poor quality tools. Get good car washing supplies. I have become a bit of an unflashy heathen in the world of automotive detailing. I use turtlewax ICE liquid polish. People will tell you there are better products as far as potential end results. I won't even bother to argue. All I will say, is I sincerely like it's ease of use, and the end results are perfectly fine for me.
The most important thing is that you use something and apply it correctly without damaging the paint. Turtlewax is on the low end of the food chain and doesn't last as long as a good sealant, but it's adequate.
Most manufacturers recommend not coating a newly painted surface for 30 days. Since the Prius comes from Japan, I suspect it is close to 30 days old before it ever gets off the boat, but as I don't know that, I'm planning on waiting a month, and just keeping it clean in the meantime.
I'm from the "very old school." I'll wait a year before waxing my car. Polymerization of the paint continues for a long time. In the mean time, I'll was it to keep the dirt off. That has worked for me for close to 50 years.
You are forgetting that paint formulations have drastically changed in the last 50 years. Modern auto paints are low or no VOC paints. Any curing they do is much faster than it used to be.
I just bought Liquid Glass LG-100 Ultimate Auto Polish from Amazon. It has very good rating from users.