I pumped 7.4 gallons of gas into my prius plug-in and the fuel gauge does not register the gas going into the gas tank. The gauge was down to four bars and after the gas was put in it did not change. The trip odometer has me at 114 miles left, on what I measure as 10.4 gallons. Toyota care was contacted and is trying to figure out what to do next ad are two Toyota dealerships who have never heard of such a thing before.
Was the car off when you filled up? Have you made sure the gas cap is clicked properly 'tight' and driven the car a day or two so the car gets cycled on and off a few times? I only ask because maybe it was a fluke, it will reset properly after some on/off cycles and never happen again saving you the time/effort of going to the dealer, making calls etc. If it continues without resetting itself I'd be interested in what the cause was once they find it.
Problem with the car, all required steps followed, Toyota field engineers, interested in seeing the car.
Other than following steps, my question would be, have you driven the car a few days/on-off cycles/couple of miles say 20-30 since this has happened?
Update , went to a second gas station, and I was able to pump 7.4 gallons into the car. The exact amount pumped in at the first station.the gauge now reads full. I contacted the first station who checked the pump log, and found nothing unusual. The mystery continues.
At the first station, when you pulled away, did you notice a large puddle on the ground that was previously not there? You did use the door on the left side of the car, not the right side correct? I would log a report with the police, they may have other complaints from this gas station if they are indeed doing something shady.
The reason I asked if you drove the car a few days/on off cycles etc was because all too often these type of things fix themselves without trips to the dealership, time off from work etc. And it seems it did in this case.
Yes,I have a receipt for the first and second fill ups. I now notice a sloshing sound in the back. Anyone else hear that? I'm concerned about something amiss with the fuel tank.
Does the fuel tank have baffles? I decided not to drive the car until I get this sorted out. Gas and 4.4kw of electricity don't mix
I'd get to the dealership fast. The gas should make no sloshing sounds, and it still sounds like you didn't get any fuel at your first fill up. Why are you needing so much gas in such a short time?
If I'm in my garage and I use my hand to push the car back and forth, yes I can hear the fuel moving around in the tank. Sorry, but I don't see a problem for extreme concern, that's just me. Do whatever makes you feel safest which for you is not driving the vehicle until it can be further diagnosed.
mark, what do you think happened here? he pumped 7 gallons and paid for it, gauge did not register, pumped 7 more gallons and paid for it, gauge did register. am i missing something? did the first pump work electronically but not pump any gas? i don't think it's panic time but i think i missed something here.
7.4 gallons pumped in twice, 2 hours apart. The car may have triggered something in the gas station pumping apparatus. No matter, the dealer needs to fully inspect the fuel system from fuel hatch door to tank and dash sensor. Then we will all know the answer.