NOOB Q: i'm planning on adding a sub ordinance powered sub on my 2012 P3, i have a question on using the line out converters... if i use the output of the rear speakers for the sub... how do i use the rear speakers then? do i lose the audio in the rear speakers or do i hook it up somewhere?
I believe you don't cut the rear speaker lines, but you just tap into them. Probably the best way would be to use automatic wire strippers to just strip back a section of the wire and then tap into it. -Sam
I added a powered sub under the driver seat. The sub came wired with L and R tap wires. I removed the cover between the doors (search site or Google), used "T taps" from O'Rielly auto parts, and taped/spliced the wires into the rear speaker wires - you do not need to strip the wires. Don't recall the color, you can Google or search this site. The speaker wires are easily accessible, and are bundled with some other wires, wrapped with a cloth tape. The wiring color is the same for all recent Prius. No noticable loss in rear speaker output.
Thanks for the info Hank101. I looked into the Kicker HS8 after reading your posts. I am going to be installing one soon! -Brent
2012 Toyota Prius III w/ navigation Left Front (+) - Pink Left Front (-) - Violet Right Front (+) - Light Green Right Front (-) - Blue Left Rear (+) - Black Left Rear (-) - Yellow Right Rear (+) - Red Right Rear (-) - White -Sam
No problem. You can tap into the wiring in several places. You can access it from the B-pillar section (under the shoulder portion of the front seatbelts) or you can access it from the kick panels. The wiring is pretty easy to get to for the rear right and left speakers through the front kick panels (drivers and passenger side.) Let me know if you need any other help. -Sam
Don't suppose you remember the correct wires from the b-pillar section? The left side has two yellow and black wires and the right has a red and black, which I have read are for the rear speakers. Just wanting to confirm if possible. Thanks.
I spliced for my sub's line out converter from under the FR passenger seat. Seemed like a good place to leave the lil line out converter box, also easy to get to in the event I ever need to adjust it! I believe that was where the OEM amp is, would be an even better place to tap, on the IN(put) side! I'd have to dig up my docs from when I did it if anyone wanted details/specs/colors!