I sure will be watching, and DVRing. It appears that the Toyota will be in the American Le Mans Series as well. It's been a couple of years, but It gives me an excuse to go to Road America for the series. I haven't done that in a few years. I always loved watching those "silent" Audis as they whooped the noisy Panoz cars.
Unless they change it, the only USA race they had on their schedule was Sebring, and they didn't make it.
The Toyotas were suppose to be at Spa too, but one crashed before the race, so it was back to the drawing board. This will be their first race.
Have my DVR set to record it all--can't wait. Speed also has a special on just before the race starts, on the Toyota hybrid entry.
Not looking good for Toyota. One car is out after a terrible crash and the other just had repairs after hitting another car.