I was browsing cusco.com website and their catalog for the aqua shows full coil over kits as well as shock/strut kits with springs. Also strut tower braces,chassis stiffener braces and sway bars.
And here's where you can purchase: Suspension Upgrades for 2012 Prius C, Strut Tower Bar, Chassis Stiffener; Juicedhybrid.com
great job finding that. thanks. im just not sure i want to spend 2grand. i am, going to add several of the other products, though starting with the tower bar, which should arrive shortly.
Honestly, I would just suggest the strut tower bar, the center power brace, and either one of the sway bars. For the STB, make sure it fits the LHD version since the parts are designed for the RHD version in Japan. The STB for the Gen III Prius has fitment issues with the brake reserve. If you could wait it out, I'm sure Tanabe will be developing parts for the C. They generally run a lot less $ than the CUSCO parts.
only the sway bars would be a worthwhile suspension mod. chassis bracing? on a 99 hp hybrid? for what? anybody that says they can feel the difference between a prius c with and without a strut tower brace is likely feeling the placebo effect. after spending $200 on a piece of metal, you convince yourself that you can feel the difference. springs, dampers, sway bars. those you can feel even at low to moderate speeds. chassis braces? 99% cosmetic on this car...
i had not thought of lhd vs rhd. mmmm. good point. as far as placebo effect goes... if i think it feels better; it is. ps just sent email tanabe asking when and if and what parts will be available
thanks, ill keep that in mind. in the mean time ill be saving up for the other cusco parts (not coil over). ill find out very shortly if the tower strut will have a problem in lhd.
just gave a shout to cusco re fitment on lhd cars of tower brace. they said no prob, dude(my words). i will know within a week or so. i will let everyone know about install, probs etc. oops fogot to add that i emailed tanabe re their suspension parts for prius c
FINALLY! it arrived today. yes after all this time its here. instructions in japanese. great pics in the instructions. my plan is to have it installed this weekend. quality looks extremely high. try to take many pics. will definitely decide the question of lft hand vs rt hand drive install questions. stay tuned!!!!