Like if I stop at 7-11 and have the dog in the car, so I want to keep the air going, but still lock the car. I tried manually locking with the button, but that kept auto-unlocking. Tried with the fob, nope. Anyway to do this other than with the valet key? There are times I lock my fob in the car with the valet key and take the valet key with me when I run.
Have you tried the remote A/C button on your fob? Your door and windows will be locked while having the air on still.
With the window open, standing outside, hold your fob throught the inside of the car, press the rocker lock switch on the door to lock, pull the switch to close the window, pull your hand out of the car quick (with the fob in hand). But by the time the fob out of the car, will the door unlock? I don't know if this going to work. I am in bed thinking stupid idea of mine. LoL. I hope I don't get you confuse.
There is no valet key a valet would not be able to start your car after parking it without the SKS fob. I think you are referring to the mechanical key in the SKS fob, as the valet key? You can drive the car until it runs out of fuel without the SKS key fob in the car if it was already in ready mode prior to removing the SKS fob granted you don't turn it off. What you can not due is restart the car with the just the mechanical key you need the SKS fob. I know this is off topic but I don't want you to strand your car with some valet somewhere. The mechanical key is a back up to get inside your car if either the SKS fob battery or the 12V aux. battery go dead. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Yep ... this isn't a PiP method ... it was 1st mentioned as a way to lock the Prius when the Gen II came out.
Close windows, lock car, use remote AC on fob - only if you're SURE you won't be more than 10 minutes, or it shuts off, and the car (and dog) will get very hot if you're in the sun. Emergency use only!!
Have used the remote A/C with the little guy pictured locked in the car, but only for about five minutes. Too bad there isn't a convenient but deliberate way to do this where the engine could run as needed, just as when someone is sitting in the car using the A/C while waiting, but with the doors locked.
This kinda sucks. I take a lot of road trips and I just got a new puppy. With my old prius I could hit lock on the door and leave the car running with the ac on. When I came back my traction battery would be dead but the dog wouldnt be....
To leave the car running with the AC ON and the door locked, just lock the door with the mechanical key. If you leave a pet in the car, I'd recommend also leaving a note on the dash such as "DOG IS OK - AIR CONDITIONING ON". If you don't, somebody could freak out and break a window to save the dog from their air conditioned comfort. Maybe even a large thermometer visible to prove that the temperature is OK. The note could also have additional wording such as "Electric air conditioning - engine will cycle ON and OFF". Be sure to put the car in Park and set the parking brake.
How about not stopping at 7-11 or taking your dog home and then going. Can't ever condone anyone leaving a dog in their car in the summertime - for any reason. All it takes to kill is 5 minutes at the kind of heat generated inside a car on a hot summer day. Depending on AC to cool the interior unreasonably risks the life of your dog.
Puleeeeze. The guy is talking about running into 7-11. And the idea was how to leave dog in car running with AC on vs. leaving windows open.
Ever notice that police K9 units frequently have a dog in the back of their car? These cars are left parked at incident scenes all the time. The engine is left running, the AC ON, and the dog left in the car. There is a big difference between leaving a dog closed into a car that is turned OFF and one that is turned ON with the AC operating. Hybrids make the choice of leaving the AC ON a reasonable one.