That was one of the most frightening 2 1/2 minutes I've ever spent. And yet? I still think totally unedited, it would make a better Prius c commercial than the recent "Game Of Life" campaign paid for by Toyota. It's nearly as frightening and only slightly less annoying. PS. To friends and family, I'm sorry he died. But rest assured he's "La, la la ing and lo, lo lo ing" in a better place.
But if as you and others say his singing is frightening and he's in a better place, would it continue to be Heaven?
I'm truly sorry to hear that Chuck I hope Mister Trololo did not suffer. Will you get another to replace him?
If Mr Trololo reminds you of anyone, it might be Smiling Bob That was my avatar for a number of years. Smiling Bob sold a natural male-enhancement product called Enzyte, so I'd refer to my car as a "Honda Enzyte" Sort of a dig at the H2 Hummer.
LoLoLoLoLoLoL!! Oh so embarrassing! I was in a hurry and went right to reply without looking at the OP. I assumed Mr Trololo was one of your cats!!
Eduard Khil - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Like so many other Soviet era media, we have missed a lot. For some, that would be an interest in history, for others it would be a good laugh! I've watched a couple Soviet movies from Netflix: they had more plot then Bolywood movies, but they'd definitely gain some production value if they had gotten pointers from Alfred Hitchcock.