I ordered my C3 Almost 2 weeks ago, and the dealer told me it would be here tomorrow, June to 5th. I called them today and they said that it got stuck in the Port of Portland and that it was considered "F Type" which means it was on the way to the dealership. He said i wouldn't have it until at least Friday. I know, it's not that long to wait, but I'm growing anxious/annoyed. Has anyone else experienced this problem, in Portland Oregon?
My c was at Port of Portland for 4 days after the ship docked. Once it got to the dealer it was ready for pickup in a few hours.
My car was supposed to leave Japan on the 25th of May, and now it's not leaving until the 8th of June - and my seller didn't even tell me until I called HIM - get this - YESTERDAY! Um, hello?! If my car didn't leave the post like it was supposed to about 2 weeks ago, why wouldn't you tell me?! So frustrating. So now I won't get it until the end of the month, if not until early July. Ps I'm in Seattle, WA