I have a new 2012 Prius III. It has an overhead compartment that can be used to hold sun glasses. Our 1999 Sienna has a similar compartment that can be switched out to a compartment that holds a garage door opener remote. You push the button on the compartment and then it will push the button on the remote. Is such a feature available for my Prius? I'm wondering if the dealership forgot to give me the separate garage door opener compartment? Thanks for your help.
Homelink is listed as a feature of the Prius 4 If you knew what garage door opener you owned, you could get one for about $15 Amazon.com: Chamberlain Liftmaster 373P / 963D 315Mhz Garage Door Opener: Everything Else
I already have the remote. What I'm looking for is to replace the thing tha tholds glasses with one that holds a remote.
Yes, when we got our Sienna it came with both the thing that holds glasses and the thing that holds the remote. I swapped out the glasses thing for the remote compartment. You Velcro the remote in a position so when you push the button on the remote compartment it pushes the button on the remote. It worked quite well. I guess Toyota wanted you to buy the Prius 4 for several thousand more rather than give you a container that costs an extra $25.
Toyota Camry OVER HEAD COMPARTMENT GARAGE DOOR REMOTE HOLDER (TAN) 97 98 99 00 | eBay Making it fit would be your problem
My 2004 has a Homelink opener built into the mirror ... certainly all newer Prii have it too? Had a hell of a time setting it until we went to HL website.
I'd more-or-less completely forgotten that little compartment. Isn't there a label on it saying don't store sunglasses in it? Which begs the question... We've got the Homelink mirror setup too. And if not for our son's tech savvy, I don't think we would have figured it out, lol.
do what I did...velcro it to the bottom side of the cup holder lid. pop it up, and there it is. My remote is very small, btw....
Here's one way to do it: Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Gentex GENK41A Auto-Dimming Mirror with Homelink