Just wondering how long folks have been waiting- or been told they need to wait- for a factory ordered vehicle? Are there some dealerships (i.e. high volume) that get preferential treatment on factory orders. THANKS for the info.
I haven't been monitoring this on the site, but I have one coming that I've been waiting about a month for, and it looks like it will be another 2-3 weeks. Sometimes you get lucky, and the dealer has one already coming in what you want, and I think it is likely that high-volume dealers, if not getting priority, are just more likely to receive more vehicles, so the chances of getting the one you want is higher. I live near Madison, WI, and they sell a LOT of prius' here, although not so many V's on the road here.
We ordered one (Prius V 5 with ATP) at the end of April. It comes into port (NY) on June 11th, and then I was told it will take 12 days from that date when we will actually get the car. It does depend what part of the country you live, and if any other dealers have the car that you wanted, the your dealer could trade for. I live in Connecticut, and inventory for Prius V are very low in this state. That is why it is up to an 8 week wait.
I am looking at ordering as well, and I was told likely 6-8 wks. Update: later told up to 12 weeks... it's been 4 full weeks and so far they can't tell me any kind of outlook ... in que or anything.