Does anyone know at what pressure the TPMS light is activated? I noticed my daughters tires were low and when I checked they were at 15 PSI and no warning. Its a 2010 MY Prius III .
My understanding it's not based on an absolute PSI, but rather on a % decrease from the last time it was reset. When was the last time you reset it (I do it every time I check/adjust tire pressure)?
It indicates at around 25% drop in pressure from the set point. What pressure did she use to set the system? I assume she did set it, otherwise it's a crap shoot. Tom
Fill'em up to the desired pressure and then reset the TPMS system. The button is under the dash kinda below the steering column. Check your owners manual the resetting procedure is all covered there. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
I will check for you when I get back to my car. Try the index in the back. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
Here you go, Index pg. 625, Tires, Pressure Warning System pg. 454 Then it is in chapter 4-3 on pages 454-455. That's where is is in my manual hope it helps. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.