Hello everyone. I just purchased a 2012 Camry Hybrid XLE Red. I need to install my Kenwood 700a in the vehicle. Has anyone installed a ham radio in their Camry? Do you have any suggestion or pictures of the installion. Thanks, KC5TOO
While I don't have the HyCam yet, long story, It should be very easy to install a rig. Just make sure you follow good Amateur installation practices, such as running both Positive and Negative directly to the +12 battery, if running HF you are going to have to shield some components to eliminate QRM. If it's 2meter and above, no problems. Do some searching, there are quite a few Amateurs out here, H'mmmm wonder why? Post some pick when you get it done. I run a Yaesu FT-8800, Diamond K-400 mount and Black dual band whip! It works great! Bye the way, welcome to the group!!!
Thank for the welcome. I am moving from the Prius Chat because I sold my Prius and up graded to a Toyota Camry. We have chatted before on the Prius Chat about Ham Radios. Looking forward to reading about the Toyota Camry Hybrid's on the forum. Now I am trying to figure out how to add an avatar.
Here is my installation of my Ham Radio into my 2012 Camry XLE Hybrid. Antenna Installation Decided to mount the radio under the rear deck. Routing the cables were easy. Had to find a place to mount the control head, mike and speaker. Had to make a mount. No holes were drilled.
I too traded in my Prius... only on a non-hybrid 2012 Camry SE. I've been scratching my head on where to put the control head and antenna, this gives me some great ideas, thanks and 73! KD5RHR
Looks good, KC5TOO. I just bought a new Barcelona Red Camry V6 LE. I have a Kenwood radio I was thinking about installing, but want to do it RIGHT. How did you wire the +12V/ground? Did you run wire up to the battery (if so, where did you run through?), or is there already a feed into the trunk? Also (presuming you wired up to ignition sense), where is there access to ignition for ignition sense? Thanks for any tips, Scott / KC2JYG
I'm out of the Prius business, but did turn around and buy a 2020 Camry Hybrid. I'm installing a new Icom 208H VHF/UHF rig this summer, and I was looking for suggestions as to how to install it. Then I came across this thread and wow, what a really nice installation! Beautiful work and I've now got some ideas for my situation. I especially like the fact that I can install the guts of the transciever in the trunk and put the control head wherever I want (within reason). And, this will work out since I plan on using the 12V battery that's in the trunk to feed my Icom. My only head scratcher is what make of antenna to install. I see Gadget 1004's pictures (thanks for making these available for us) but can't tell what it is. Comet? Or something else? Thanks again for the pictures-they're very helpful!