Hey guys, I ordered a summer rain about 6 weeks ago and I think it's going to be coming in soon. I'm starting to get a lot of anxiety about the color because I ordered it without actually seeing one. I think I wanted it because I don't like to be "cookie-cutter" but... I'm also kind of shy and don't particularly enjoy getting a lot of attention. People who have them please tell me your opinion.
I bought gray because Im fairly shy and don't want any attention (not that I had a choice at my local dealership anyway)... but I think you'll be fine. It's not your average color, but I don't think it's so crazy that you'll get a bunch of attention over it. It's not habanero, that'll get you plenty of looks And yeah I don't own one but I have seen them out there. I like it a lot.
It's a great color - ask any of us who have one. Not flashy or outlandish - like to think of it as "sophisticated".... (Just kidding!) Wait till you see it change color depending on the light - blue, teal-green and at night under sodium vapor street lights - kinda silvery. There's some photos in this thread that will show the subtle color variations under different light. Picked up my Summer Rain!
CatFancier – Greetings Chicagoan “Cat Fancier,” and prospective Prius Borg Queen. An anticipatory Welcome To The Hybrid “Hive.” Fancy this…I am a Prius Fancying Cat(gic) who was Chi-Town born, and reared in the far northern bedroom ‘burbs of Chicagoland. I have since made my escape from the People’s Republik of Illinoistan, and now live in Hybrid Friendly Environs. Fear not, with six weeks on the delivery clock, your Hybrid Prius (Yaris) c will soon be delivered to you in the “Summer Rain Metallic” color. It is a distinctive, but subdued color. For the most part, you will not be “getting a lot of attention” as a result of the color you selected.
I'm not one for wanting attention, but it IS a great color and people sometimes do come up to me to tell me how much they love the color. It is certainly a very catchy color and stand out from the crowd. The color itself, for some people like myself, it might take a little getting used to. I bought this color because I didn't want a typical color (I've had grey and black cars all my life), but I also wasn't completely in love with it. Now, after I'm used to the shock of it not being a typical car color, I love it. People here are right, it does seem to change colors in different lighting situations. Last night, parked in a parking structure with CFL lights, it had this silvery blue color that was just awesome. In the daylight it's got a tinge of green that is very cool too!
I love my Summer Rain. I chose it specifically because I thought it would be fun and different, but not way out there like the Habanero. I was worried I would get sick of the Habanero, but I'm pretty sure that won't happen with Summer Rain. Oh and I also bought it without seeing it in person. It's different, it'll catch people's eyes, but they won't think it's completely crazy (if that matters to you). I did have one woman stop me in a grocery store parking lot to tell me how much she loves the color. So you will get more attention than if you got a neutral color, but I don't think it's too much to worry about, unless the thought of any comments at all completely turns you off. But it really is a great color
My best Friend/adopted daughter bought one yesterday- it fits her perfectly and is a different but not too flashy. It is pretty and looks great with the interior. I , like those above, think you will be quite happy. We want Pictures by the way
I love my Summer Rain! I bought mine sight unseen too. I didn't want another grey car so I picked the Summer Rain. I love it because it is such a happy color. I have gotten several nice compliments about it.
My C is moonglow, which is essentially white, so it does look just like every car out there at first glance. It's easier to spot one of the unique colors (summer rain or habanero) on the road. But even being white, I still get the occasional comment because it's a new model. I say go with the color you like the best, the car will probably get noticed either way until its more common, you can always just nod and smile if you're shy (that's what I do).
The first thing people say is, "I like that color!" In almost the same breath they ask, "Is that one of those cars that gets like 50mpg?" I smile and say, "Why yes, thank you, it gets 50+ consistently!" Deb