I'm a newbie so still getting used to my 2012 Prius III. The other day while stopped at a red light I decided to run out and open the trunk for my work badge that I left in my briefcase. It's a long light and I knew I'd have plenty of time. I put the car in Park and put on the parking brake then ran out. When returning the light was still red, so I put the car in Drive and waited. After it turned green I hit the gas gently but noticed the car did not move. The car behind me hit his horn, so I hit the gas harder and the ICE kicked in and started moving the car a few feet. That's when I realized the parking brake was on and released it. Since then I'm noticing a whistle noise when I drive slow. It seems to be there when driving in EV and with the ICE running. It's not the noise maker but a higher pitch noise. Could I have done something to MG1 and MG2 when I hit the gas harder to move the car. It sounds like an electric motor high pitch sound. It may have been their before but I didn't notice it until now.
Check to see if your wife left a water bottle open on the roof. You didn't do a thing to the car. You might check to see if you have a window cracked open. relax.
You more than likely have one of the windows slightly down. If you mean a really high pitched whistle like an old tv used to make then it is probably just the inverter and is normal (unless it is really really loud).
What does that "proximity notification" unit sound like, anyway? Our 2010s didn't have one. I bet you're hearing the inverter. Your brakes should be fine.
It's not a wind noise, When I press the accelerator at low speeds I hear it. Otherwise it's not loud enough with my windows up. If I let up on the gas pedal or put it in neutral it goes away, must be the inverter. Thanks All. No water bottle this time, I checked under the hood to make sure:rockon:
Now I"m hearing it more, it seems to be louder when the ICE comes on and I press the gas pedal to accelerate. Although it's around even in EV mode just not as loud. It changes pitch with the gas pedal so I don't think it's the inverter. Any thoughts?