[FONT="]Hi there, I was one of the first folks to have the enginer kit installed - I think I was #4. Time to set sail to the kit, which has just been tuned up by someone in Sacramento who is a specialist (which is where the kit currently is). It has ThunderSky cells, which demonstrate 3+ DC-kWh under normal operating loads (most if not all cells have been changed from the original, and they've gotten very, very few cycles). The kit has an Enginer charger and newer 5kW DC-DC converter. The battery management system is from CleanPowerAuto LLC and has proven robust in the field (ie. the MiniBMS). $1500 takes it all. As others will attest, you can get very good gas mileage if you drive it somewhat carefully and don't live in a very hilly area (like I do). [/FONT]
Interesting - I'll write a bill of sale for it of course and would do so under my business name (since that's where I bought it), so it just depends if the law says it has to be a new kit. I don't see why they'd care - When I deducted it buying it new, it was no big deal. Up to you, I'm no tax advisor, so ymmv.
what else would you need to do a complete install? also how many miles per gallon did you get on average with it fully charged? how long does it take to fully charge? fully EV driving is under 35mph right? blended mode = roughly 40 miles per full charge? thx!