That's still there. The "Whats New" button shows all the New Since Last Log In posts. And if you Mark All Read, the "What's New" allows you to just see the new posts in time order. The "Alerts" button tells you replies to conversations you are participating it. I think the user profile defaults to having all the features checked, like getting alerts and email notices. You should get an Alert (little red tag on the Alert button on the top menu bar) and an email alert that I replied to your message. I love the home page and plan to imitate it on another forum. It is basically taking all the message content on the forum and using it for content on the home page. Way less work for mother as the home page is automatically updated as new messages and files are posted on the forum. It is much better looking, higher resolution? More modern use of the web tools? Definitely looks like an upgrade kind of like going from PC to Mac. Just looks better and works a bit differently but does all the same stuff...and more.
^^ thanks for the summary on those items. I do like the Alerts part, and have seen that. I'd disabled the email thing ages ago, so I only get emails for PMs and subscribed threads that I request them on. I'll have to go through the settings and stuff when I get time and remember to do it. After staring at 2 screens at work all day, I typically don't feel up to digging in settings after work lol.
Easiest is log on, click the "What's New", all the new posts are there in order. Click on the blue button next to each topic which takes you to the newest (for you) comment in the thread.
A difference without a distinction pretty much. Your posts show up in real time and you have a live conversation. Did the other forum software have a chat room function?
Don't let the door hit you where the Lord split you! Normally, I'm not that mean to folks, but you're already gone, and so I don't have to worry about you running to one of the Mods with tear stained cheeks! Actually.....I don't much worry about that anyway.
Which makes it ironic that the forum's biggest Mac fan complained about it the loudest and the forum's biggest Windows fan praised it the loudest.
I DO hate my heavily truncated avatar ... it chopped off a canadian honker sitting to the left of our Prius (my symbol of eco-friendlier transportation) ... and it cut off 80% of the prius ... leaving our lake's refill valves sitting prominently dead center. i am being patient ... but that doesn't mean I have to like being patient . . . . . . . . .
The new look has some benefits, some just for the sake of it and some that do work. I'm still hanging in there waiting to see if I get used to it but so far I'm not entirely convinced. I find it takes an age to load the main page, possibly due to the ads loading in. Sometimes they now freeze causing me to hit the refresh. The alerts are sort of handy, but I did like the new post counter of the old site and struggle to find this again - if indeed it now exists. I find it hard to navigate down the pages as they are now so big and probably designed for someone on a 28 inch desktop display, rather than a laptop. Do the user details on the left of a post really need to take up so much length? I also get the impression that there are bugs or ads that are causing me problems. It's taken me about 20 attempts to send this response due to a long running script - apparantly. My computer generated a microsoft error report so long that it took 20 minutes to send, and I have a quick broadband connection. I'm hoping it's early days and we'll all love it once we're used to it and the issues are ironed out. There's a lot of techie folk on here who must know what they're doing, but so far I just don't like the update. Sorry
What browser are you using, Grumpy? I use Firefox and it runs just fine. It's a tad slow at work, but we use IE and has a lot of blocked scripts, etc, but internet at work is kinda slow anyway. I really like the alerts, actually. It's an easy way to keep track of threads that I replied or posted in that have had activity. There's not a number of unread posts list, but the "what's new" on the home page takes you to what that used to do. It just doesn't list the # of them.
i find it to be much faster than the old one, but i'm still having a hard time getting used to the graphics and i don't see any other benefits yet.