I have some questions. I can buy a flooded prius with certificate of destruction. What cold be the posible damage on 2004-2006 Prius? Where are the weak point in flood on this prius? Thanks
First of all Sand0, welcome to Priuschat. Secondly, like seasalsa said, if a Prius has been submerged, I would anticipate some electronic problems. That is, even though you can take it through the car wash and you can drive it in the blowing rain, flooding and submersion are pretty intense and I would expect water getting into some delicate areas. If you are buying a Prius from a dealer or auto mechanic and they are telling you up front that it was flooded and they repaired it, I would still be skeptical unless you know the people and know that they do really good work. Perhaps even press them for a long-term warranty just to make sure. Then again, perhaps if you just pump the accelerator a few times . . . (get it? flooded? get it? oh well)
Well I can buy a damaged in crash PRIUS for about 3000$ for parts. But I don't know is it word to try assembly a new car from both cars.
Well now that's an interesting concept. Should you decide to attempt this feat, please oh please take and post pictures. That would be cool to watch the progression.
considering all the things that are probably completely screwed up from the flood and their tendency to reside in REALLY obnoxious places, it may not be worth it timewise. do you have a lot of technical experience with cars, and wiring, and electronics? and diagnostics in case something doesn't work right when you're done? if you've got the experience it would still probably be a challenge and pain to do, but hey. some people consider that a hobby
Weak points for flooding: the engine, the two electric drive motors, the 12 computers, the 205V battery, the inverter, the multiple wiring harnesses... If you want to do this as a hobby, sure, have fun; the fun will never end. If you want to save money, buy a five years old Corolla or Civic.