First off...yes, its an Apple factory cord. So I've got a C3...and I'm hooking up the iPhone with the USB cord and when I detach it leaving the car, the phone is pretty I got a warning on the phone for 'excessive temperature'. i was just wondering if anyone else in the forum has experienced something similar. I still can't figure out how to keep the iPod app from starting when I plug in the cord. I'm not running the Entune app...I'm just not in the mood for it all the time...although it did work well calling out traffic on the San Diego Freeway in LA.
Allright...two votes for warm iPhones...So Im going to switch cords and see if it doesn't get warm...since the Apple cord got warm, I thought Id try a non-Apple cord....just to see what happens.
mine get warm too, a couple of times trigger the temperature warning on the phone, if i leave it on the seat, instead of in the shelf area.
That's no good. I drive for about an hour and twenty minutes each way on my daily commute... recently it has been like 90 degrees on the way home and even with the elevated temp in the car I've never had my iPhone overheat. I don't use it as a phone anymore so I don't remember grabbing it right after a drive and it being really warm, but since I don't carry it with me I may have just never noticed.
My Iphone gets warm as well in my 2010 GenIII, especially when it is plugged in and the passenger is playing a game on it.
You have to take into play, it's not a wall charger. It's constantly talking between the phone and the radio. Waiting for input, whether entune is on etc. The phone is going to warm up. And depending on the model and amount of dust buildup in the iPhone(I do iPhone repairs too, believe me it gets clogged to hell). It will warm up
I also noticed my iPhone 4 getting warm when plugged into the C. I suspect most users tend to automatically place the phone face-up on a flat surface when it's connected to a USB port, and it seems to me that the back of the phone got much hotter than the front. So on a recent 200 mile drive to Massachusetts I connected the phone and placed it face-down in the compartment next to the USB port, and it wasn't hot at all at the end of the trip. Anyone else tried this?
My iPhone 4 gets warm but it's to be expected. I'm running the Escort Live app and Entune. Plus, the display is on, battery is charging and the the processor and GPS receiver are running. The iPhone 4/4s design is not very efficient at shedding heat, made worse with an insulating Otterbox case.
Ok so I tried it. I gotta say that my iphone does not get overly hot in use maybe because I only use it as an ipod now. However, over the past two days it did not overheat while sitting in my car all day... and it has always done that. Laying it on its face made a huge difference for me.