Ive been head down working on Prius c stuff in an effort to get my fledgling aero car parts business off the ground. (Well that and being 100% maniacal about hypermiling! (Working on a 70mpg tank with little more then mirror deletes and smooth hubcaps, mostly driving REALLY slow. Last tank was 68.25 I expect to have 2 kits for sale as soon as I get my design on the road and proven, then get molds done. The "Kit" will have some of the expected goodies, Aero grill block, rear wheel skirts, front wheelwell gap seal, mirror to camera conversion. but the "showstopper" is something ive never seen done, so, unless someone shows me otherwise, its an actual invention! I wanted to do a boat tail, but it would have to be like 80" to come to a full point, I had the idea to make it collapsible! something like one of those old fashioned "travel cups" that telescope out from the base. Like this: drmoore3d dot com/prius_loader dot html The tag and "alternate directionals / reverse light / brake lights will go in the tip section which will be clear, the "stock color" will be faux carbon fiber. It will add about 15" to the car in total length retracted, so it will be easy to get around town and park etc, and once on the highway, flip a switch and a combination of air venting in from a movable vent and a telescopic mast (like an old power antennae) will deploy it to its full length. Flip the switch the other way and it gets "reeled in" shouldn't take more then 15 seconds either direction. I am seriously shooting for a kit that can take the Prius C to 100mpg at 65mph, with no mechanical mods, re-chipping or lowering. What do y'all think? Tom
I think it's pie in the sky until it gets done and proves workable. But that's what America used to be about. Make it work, make it economically feasable, make it legal (the hardest part, no doubt). Is this animation yours? Prius Tv with Tom Bell
This is an awesome concept, can't wait to see the final product. here's the link without having to cut and paste it into a browser: Prius Tv with Tom Bell
The mirror delete sounds fascinating; I look forward to seeing how that works out both functionally and legally. My $0.02, for the hot rodders here that have installed wider tires; aero flippers to steer the airflow around the tires would be helpful in reducing drag. Essentially, extensions for the factory airdams are needed, however if you wanted to get creative with the CFD, making actual turning vanes would be tons of fun. Another idea would be to make lightweight aero pans for the underbody, perhaps with a rear diffuser to clean up the rear end drag and also overall lift. That would virtually negate the need for a boat tail.