Yes, and all those plants who subscribe to Consumer Reports and post all those false positive ratings on Toyotas and Hondas Just to see, I looked at the Dodge offering, free gas for two years (Up to approx 2380 a year). Have you looked at Dodge's car lineup. The only car you could remotely think of as a commuter/ecomony car is the Neon... and we all know it's great reliability record. GM is just as bad... The Chevy Cobalt??? :lol:
How about the new toyotas. Excluding the prius can you name for me the great gas mileage vehicles. on or maybe two, thats it. Head to head with GM the rest are categorically worse with mileage. :blink: The new Cadillac Escalade gets as good of mileage as the Toyota FJ and the Escalade has 400 hp. So much for all the Toyota bs about mileage and being green. Oh wait I guess the 100,000 prius sales/year give Toyota a get out of jail free card with all of you and the media.
Corolla: 30/38 auto Cobalt: 24/32 auto 2.2 litre Corolla XRS: 26/34 with 1.8 litre 164hp Cobalt 2.4 litre HO: 24/32 Avalon: 22/31 with 3.5 litre 268hp Impala: 21/31 with 3.5 litre 211hp 19/27 with 3.9 litre 242hp Camry: 24/34 Malibu: 24/32 Camry V6: 21/29 Malibu V6: 22/32 with 201hp 3.5 litre 19/26 with 3.9 litre 240hp engine So really, it only wins with the Malibu V6 with ~10hp less than the Camry V6
Corolla, Matrix, previously the Echo, and soon the Yaris sedan, Yaris coupe. On the Scion side, xA, xB... More than just the number of models, these more fuel efficient vehicles make up more of Toyota's total sales of vehicles than the corresponding vehicles do for GM or Ford. Stop trying to hijack this thread. This topic has nothing to do with GM. And it has NOTHING to do with your own insecurity about Toyota.
Not exactly plants just nowhere near a scientific survey. CR surveys its readers for data, not random sampling. A reflection its readers experiences nothing more. Do you think a survey on prius chat would give you an accurate reflection of peoples experiences of the car overall? Its like asking people at a Corvette Rally if they like their corvettes.
I think we've gotten far off track because of Malorn, who once again continues to hijack topics, insult us, and try to make every single topic about GM this and GM that, and how the media is in the pocket of Toyota. The original post by danny didn't mention GM. He's doing the same damn thing again. He's making us defend the mileage of all toyota's vehicles, many of which we have NO interest in... even though the original post had nothing to do with any mileage comparisions. We should just stop dignifiying him when he does this.
We don't care about trucks and SUV's, so please stop bringing that up. This is not a Toyota truck and SUV forum. Many of us would never own a Toyota truck or SUV, so we do not have to defend them. I have said many times that we believe that Toyota's long term strategy involves hybrid technology in every one of their vehicles.
Based on those numbers you have provided, why is Toyota 'green' and GM is 'brown'. Because of the Prius? How about if you do some comparing on trucks and suvs. Why is Toyota green? The 10,000 suv hybrids sold in 2005?
I only post when a thread gets into areas that I am upset about nad/or interested in. You will find that I don't post in the vast majority of 'prius' topics on here. We have started to post mileage ratings in all of our showrooms on flat screen tv's and the reaction from customers has been astounding. Most customers are amazed with the mileage comparisons between Toyota, Honda, GM and Ford. We have not used that at our Mopar store as the story is not as good. The vast majority of people think the average GM vehicle gets 5-8 mpg worse than a similar Toyota. I have shot this idea up the GM ladder and it has received much traction so hopefully GM will use some of it in their advertising this coming year.
so you are suggesting that if we lookup the mpg between toyota's suv's and trucks, that they will be significantly worse then GM's suv's and trucks?
because at least they are making the attempt and moving forward,...not just reskinning old technology....
We don't care about trucks and SUVs, like i said. Many of us would never own one. He was simply replying to your challenge to name vehicles that Toyota gets better mileage, and he did so. I don't think he should have, because clearly the only reason YOU, malorn, asked was to provoke another one of your typical arguments. *I* believe Toyota is green not because of any numbers, but because they have shown a clear intent to drive forward an unquestionably "green" technology into all of their vehicles... a progression that starts with Prius, and Camry, and will sooner or later will be an option in all vehicles, and perhaps replace all of them. So please... stop trying to make us defend Toyota. That's not what this forum is about. Everyone else, stop dignifying malorn when he does this. THis is getting rediculous. This is the same argument you posted a while back, and the only purpose is to provoke us.
The original post HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH this Toyota conspiracy that you are so interested in. it had nothing to do with GM's mileage, yet you drag that out of your behind... It was originally posted by Danny about how autoblog continues to post a myth about Toyota's profitability of the Prius. NOTHING about mileage, NOTHING about Toyota SUVs and trucks. GEEZ. <_<
In most cases GM trucks have better mileage. Again my point is that the public is so misinformed about the mileage issue. They automatically think a Toyota gets 5-8 mpg better, no matter what. I have not ever challenged any of you for owning a prius based on the fact that it is relatively 'green'. I just don't see how the Prius give Toyota a free pass on all mileage issues.
And this relates to the original topic HOW? If you don't think you've hijacked another completely unrelated thread, then you're hopeless.
Trust me, we're not loosing money. Dealer markups have doubled. Used Prius are selling for $3000 to $4000 above MSRP. If Toyotas was loosing money, they'd just charge more. Its a sweet deal for the customer, the dealer, and for Toyota. Non-topic related advertising edited out by moderator [email protected]
Car buyers in general are not stupid. They will shop for the best value including gas mileage, resale, reliability, durability. The days of buy a car because it's pretty are just about over. The reason Toytoa's overall CAFE average has gone down is because they selling three times as many truck vehicles as they were five years ago. This happening because Toyota has a turn to earn distibrution system. That means dealers get what they sell, not what the company wants to sell. If Toyota had their way everyone would drive hybrids. hybrid customers service at the dealer at rates nearly twice as high as their customer base. Dealer service customers are the most loyal, and thier cars last longer, affecting overall reliabilty ratings. The Prius is a prime example! A lot of GM's problems come from third party servicing or no servicing. I work for Toyota and I believe GM starts out with a fairly god car in most cases, it's the customer who screws it up. Toyota's serviced offsite have many more problems than dealer serviced cars.
God why do you have to pick on me twice? RAV4 V6 4WD: 21/28 Equinox V6 AWD: 18/23 RAV4 V6 FWD: 22/29 Equinox V6 FWD: 19/24 Highlander V6 2WD: 19/25 4Runner V6 2WD: 18/22 Trailblazer V6 2WD: 16/22 Highlander V6 4WD: 18/24 4Runner V6 4WD: 17/21 Trailblazer V6 4WD: 15/21 4Runner V8 2WD: 17/20 Tahoe V8 2WD: 15/20 4Runner V8 4WD: 16/19 Tahoe V8 4WD: 15/19 Suburban 5300 V8 2WD: 14/19 Sequoia 2WD: 15/18 Suburban 5300 V8 4WD: 14/18 Sequoia 4WD: 15/17 The other suburban engines are apparently unrated <Ahem> So there you go, it's stil more efficient in compact, midsize and fullsize SUV. If you're wondering why I didn't put the LC, it's cause GM doesn't have an equivalent, unless you wanna compare the Hummer.