I'm with Tony and 2Hybrids. (30+90)/2=60. No spreadsheet or flux capacitors required. Moving at the speed of light requires zero mass. Now you know why all those people living in the fast lane of life are so skinny!
Alright, someone's really going to have to walk me through this one. Preferably, backwards. Start by debunking my answer. Until I can release that from my head, I will continue to fall back on it. What if the second lap was done averaging exactly 90 MPH? What would the correct average be then? I ask this because if I tell the officer it is not physically possible for me to have been traveling 60 MPH in the 30 MPH zone because I have only been driving for two minutes, I don't think he would appreciate my new outlook on mathematics.
I thought it was cocaine... Anyway - I'm starting to see where they are coming from with this. There is, in fact, a time limiter on this which comes in the form of "miles PER HOUR". Am I right?...or out in left field?
but in this case it is not an average speed over time but the actual speed at the moment he checked your speed
The Oolong is of the highest quality. The Lorenz Transform is the name, I believe. It also states that dimensions must also go to zero and become imaginary beyond. The time dimension also becomes imaginary I think. Can't recall.
Time is a necessary component of AVERAGE speed over a fixed distance. The only way you can derive your average speed is by dividing distance by time. In this question the distance is 2 miles (can't change that). The average speed is 60mph. The only way to get the average speed of 60mph over a distance of 2 miles is to spend 2 minutes traveling that distance. Any longer and your average is slower than 60mph. You've already taken 2 minutes to travel the first mile around the track (1 mile at 30mph = 2 minutes). You have to travel 1 more mile and there is no speed (other than infinity) that will allow you to do that in zero time.
in order to average 60mph on a 2 mile distance you need to go at 60mph for 2 minutes for 2 miles, but your 2 minutes are used up by your first lap at 30mph. You don't get a chance to go 90mph on your second lap becuase your time is up. There are only 2 minutes out of the whole hour when you can actually average 60mph, but they were wasted on your first lap. 60mph 1hr = 60minutes 60minutes = 60miles 2minutes = 2miles
Did you all feel that? I think a paradigm just shifted. Ok, I get it now. Geez. Settle down people. :lol: I need a drink.
As I read the question, the 60mph average is over two *laps*, not two *minutes*. That's completely different. Or has it been t'oolong since high school physics?
If you travel 30 mph for one mile or two minutes and then travel at 90 mph for two minutes or three miles the net result is that you would travel a total of four miles in four minutes or 60 mhp average. The amount of time traveled at the fixed speed is important not the distance.
ssshhhh....... hear that? :huh: that was the sound of my head exploding! :lol: really folks, I'm sure that you are correct - it's just that I can't get my wiener brain to cooperate, and I can't do that equation on my fingers or toes. And that, my friends, is why I failed math 3 times in college, utimately resulting in being 1 credit shy of obtaining an associates. I will now bow gracefully to the god's of mathematics and physics...
I don't think that was his intent. I'm on a limb, but possibly this would be more clear. Our goal: 60 miles/hour = 1 mile/minute = 2 miles/2 minutes. = 2 laps/2 minutes.
Nice pun! BTW, for the non-tea folks out there Oolong is a kind of tea sort of an intermediate between a black tea and a green tea. I think there was some confusion early on. He never said anything about minutes in the OP.
Let us hope this is the tread's terminus. If you are limited to exactly 2 miles. And, you must average 60 MPH; If you take more than 2 minutes to go 2 miles, your average speed was less than 60 MPH over the 2 miles. If you take less than 2 minutes to go 2 miles, your average speed was greater than 60 MPH over the 2 miles. So, a time limit is inferred from the 2 constraints: 2 miles--no more, no less and, 60 MPH average. It is only possible to do that in exactly 2 minutes. Now, we know we MUST do 2 miles in 2 minutes or, we violate 1 or both of the 2 constraints. jrohland