Black Sand Pearl C Three with a moon roof! Luckily it was raining, other wise it would have been a Pollen Yellow C Three with a moon roof
Congratulations! I was planning on getting that color, but the dealer only had metallic silver, which was actually my second choice.
nice looking car! I have a 3 in blue streak metallic over a month now and love driving this car. Just over the border from you in NY State
Nice C! Looks great in the rain. Family's last black car was over 60 years ago. Black 1946 Chevy Coupe - bought in 1949 by my uncle with $$$ he saved while on a all-expenses paid tour (sponsored by Uncle Sam) of Italy and France with entertainment provided by the Wehrmacht and a few stubborn Italians. Black is not a good color for Hawaii. Too bad - black cars look cool.