I was driving the Prius around a 1 mile oval, my average speed for the first mile was 30 MPH. How fast do I have to go on the second lap, to average 60 MPH for the entire 2 miles?? And what is you reasoning?
considering I'm a mathematically challenged individiual, and also that this is not a trick question, I had to count using my fingers - but would assume my calculation of 90 mph would be the answer... reasoning?... 60 divided by 2 = 30 + x ...don't laugh everybody - it "appears" to have worked for me... or maybe I just made an nice person of myself...
imntacrook leaves a train station travelling west at 50 km/h. A butterfly flaps its wings in Bejing at a rate of 120 flaps/min. The price of Oolong is $25/lb there as well. When will imntacrook get to Invercargill?
I've worked on a very similar problem a few months ago, since my wife has been doing a little tutoring. As I recall, it is a bit tricky.
You can't do it. 60 MPH over 2 miles will take 2 minutes. 1 mile at 30 MPH takes 2 minutes. You have no time left. jrohland
Yeah, and if you do the first minute as opposed to mile at 30m/h, I guess it is as easy as 2Hybrids figured out.
I don't think time is an issue here. I've read the original post several times and can't find where he says, "in n minutes." I just used the same logic that if you completed the first lap averaging 50MPH, you would have to average 70MPH in order to average 60MPH overall. A quick spreadsheet gave me these results: 1st lap . . . 2nd lap . . Average 50 . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . 60 55 . . . . . . . 75 . . . . . . 60 50 . . . . . . . 70 . . . . . . 60 45 . . . . . . . 75 . . . . . . 60 40 . . . . . . . 80 . . . . . . 60 35 . . . . . . . 85 . . . . . . 60 30 . . . . . . . 90 . . . . . . 60 [Edit] So in the end I agree with 2hybrids And to continue the question: If you drive the first mile at 30 MPH how fast would you have to drive to average 60 MPG?
Ha, I was too late. I like math questions, which beat programming that I do everyday. Not to be picky but the correct answer is "infinite mph" since you asked, "how fast". 60 mph = 1 mpm (mile per minute) time needed = 2 minutes for 2 miles first lap took 2 minute already 2/(2+t) = 1, t=0, speed = infinite
I believe if you went an infinite speed you would arive before you left. I forget the equation but I seem to remember that as you approach the speed of light you get time dialation. IF you exceed the speed of light then you go backward in time.
No mention of time... but there is the restriction that there's only one additional lap in which to contribute to the average. The first lap chews up the total time required to average 60mph over 2 laps. On the other hand, if it were mpg vs. mph, I'd recommend a generous use of EV mode
His average speed for the first (1) mile was 30 mph. Therefore it took him 2 minutes to travel one mile. Not a new variable, just a computed one.