Hi! Ive had fun lurking while deciding on my Prius c3! I ordered it on Monday, but the dealer keeps telling me that summer rain is next to impossible to find. How long should I wait before changing to another color? I really like that color and typically keep cars 10 years...but...I'm not good at delayed gratification...lol
I was right where you are back in April. I debated giving up my first color choice of Summer Rain because they were so hard to find especially with a moonroof which I really wanted. I ended up waiting and the rep snagged me one right after it was built.Was put on the ship in Japan on April 25 and delivered to my dealership May 20. I am really really glad that I waited. I absolutely love the color. I would order as soon as you can and get exactly what you want!!!
+1 - get the color you want. I ordered 02/17/2012 - Hawaii sold the Cs a month earlier because we are not part of Toyota USA. I got my car on 04/30/2012 - SRM is a high demand color and I had to wait for several shipments as the SRM cars were all spoken for - this on the first day of sales! Wait for the color you want - remember that the dealer wants to sell you a car - any car - they don't really care if you like the color or not. Nothing against the dealers but that's their business - selling cars. I almost went with a PC 1 in SRM and even looked at Habarnero PC 2 and these cars only became available because the buyers who reserved the cars backed out for various reasons. But I'm glad I waited - SRM is an awesome color and the PC 2 is perfect for me.
:mod:What are the odds it could be more than two months? I can't tell if my dealer actually placed an order with the guys in Japan, or if he's still just looking for one already here. At what point should he have confirmation that they are building it/shipping? I'm guessing there's no tracking number before its built. This is the first time in 30 years ive gotten to buy the car I really want and I'm so excited! I appreciate the confirmation on the color! I've only seen it in photos, and it seems so cool. In my original post I said I ordered it Monday, my husband reminded me it was Thursday, seems longer! Lol. Any info ya'll have for me to find out when where and how, I'd sure appreciate it!:mod:
• Ordered Prius C Two in Summer Rain Metallic 4/11/2012 • Built 4/16/2012 • Departed Japan on Ship 4/17/2012 • Arrived to Port 5/1/2012 • Cleared Customs / Released for Transport 5/8/2012 • Arrived at Dealership 5/10/2012 • Accepted Delivery 5/11/2012
We sent in our deposit but haven't been asked to sign anything yet....? Maybe they're waiting for the check to officially arrive, although we did fax a copy of it.? Sounds like once the order is placed it's not more than 4-6 weeks. That would be perfect. Thanks for your help. I'm guessing my dealer is still hoping one turns up nearby?
call and talk with your salesman. Any competent salesman can tell you where any particular Prius c is in the delivery cycle once it has been built and given a VIN #. That goes for any unsold units already in the states. If a salesman can't help you, ask to speak to the sales manager to get some help. If he can't help you, consider taking your business to another nearby Toyota dealer.
Totally agree with kkim. The dealership will know what stage your C is in and dates for when it is supposed to be shipped, ported, etc. I had a VIN for mine weeks before it got here. Now I will tell you I put my deposit down three weeks before it got ordered because they were trying to locate it. Don't let it drag on that long if that is what they are doing. Keep on top of them and if they don't have any leads on an unsold one in stock here in the states after about a week or so.. tell them to go ahead and put in an order for one.
Talked to another salesman at my dealers today. He said that summer rain w/ moonroof could take up to 4 months to get! Yikes. He also said that the orders are submitted twice a month, on the 15th and 30th and that about a week later they get the notice of which ones they'll get from Japan . Does this seem right to ya'll? And that then it will take months. So I'll wait a couple more days until they " get their notice". What do ya'll recommend? Can't wait 4 months, and really thought it would only be a couple more weeks from now. ((