I do have new set of Illuminated door sills and a rear bumper appliqueeace:4 SALE Since its almost paid for I really don't see it as a waste of money; I purchased alot of new cars in my time and haven't seen too many individuals paying cash or financing a small amount such as we have. Would you like an itimized list? The prius IV was paid for and I had the title and "IF" I want another Prius I can go out and purchase one or any other car as I seem fit to after all I do work hard and have a good job and I don't live from pay check to pay check. Your opinon means absolutely nothing to us...After all you cannot take money with you when you pass over.All my life I have helped individuals and gave away alot of money and your post sucks and appears to be an unwanted opinion which was truly a wasted though process on your part and a waste of time. We are happy and that is all that matters...The camaro is fully loaded and the Prius was missing alot of features for the money paid out.:rockon:
Right. It could well be that he drives on a road with a minimum speed limit of 120 MPH. Or is required to buy more gasoline than he could possibly use in a Prius. Or gets a ticket if he can't accelerate enough to make a 6 sec 0-60 time.
Just needed to be different on the title, not interested in politically correct all the time and I would like to add for the record all car brands have their own problems as nothing is perfect. At 323hp V6 sure I will not get the MPG the prius did however living so close to work didn't help either only on long trips how very sad.
Dude! Stop! You can't blame the Prius because you went full barbarian with the Camaro. If it was a across the street, the Prius would use way less gas than the Camaro. PriusChat needs some kind of excommunication ritual for cases like this...or maybe exorcism...or maybe THE SPANISH INQUISITION!
Why is everybody getting on this poor guy? He couldn't get great mpg with the Prius due to short trips so he got something that gets far worse mpg only he won't be as aware of it. Makes perfect sense to me!! Only other way out of this mess would have been to move further away from work so his Prius would get better mpg. Or maybe ride a bicycle. But we all know Real Americans don't ride bicycles because they don't burn gas!! Poor guy. We should be more sympathetic.
If I had to buy a sports car, I would probably buy a CR-Z. Actually, my first choice would be a Tesla, but it's really hard to justify the cost. (A Prius sports car would be nice...) As for getting excellent MPG on frequent short trips, a cheap 2kWh or so PHEV upgrade would probably work out to be very cost effective. But with most sports cars, you get plenty of P&G fun...
:boxing: Looks like you decided to go out with a fight.. Hey not a problem, most people would disagree with your decision, but hey, go ahead... My neighbor has been working on his boss'es kids 2012 Camaro, but it's a "race" car, little bigger engine then yours, and lots of extra, and no glass on side windows, just netting.. It's a race car!!! Good luck and enjoy your toy...
Better to have been a partofthePrius family for a little while than never at all. He chose a new car. Big deal. At least it wasn't a giant SUV. Best wishes and good luck with the new car.
People, lighten up. He's just part of the 61%.* It's purchased for enjoyment. I wish he'd bought a Volt instead, but I'm not going to jump up and down and tell people to stop having fun because they're using fuel to do it. He's not claiming he needs it like a 4WD SUV-driving soccer mom. He's not calling the Prius gay and saying that he now has a car for real men. He's not claiming his Camaro is greener because it doesn't need nickel from the 1960s. Besides, he might be back once his mid-life crisis has been averted. * I know they said 65%, but that was 2011 with 6 months of constrained supply. The long-term trend is closer to 61%.
Thanks...You can buy the body alone for racing for around $8K I do believe. Sure I could have purchased the SS or the monster 580 hp but I am not racing the car and see no need for a V8 ... Mid-life crisis Damn that's so funny; I don't think so...:rockon: I still like the Prius!!!I purchased the camaro because I could Poor guy???? Sympathetic??? The comments I have read has only made me question one thing, what is your I.Q again please???? I cannot beilve the comments indiviuals make based on the fact of ones purchase. This forum should be where individuals should come together and show respect after all are we not about the Prius???
So true. We have 3 Saturns, a Ford, a Chevy, and a Prius It's all about diversity Now post some pics of that new car :madgrin: Mike :tea:
I can believe them based on your useless post saying you got rid of the Prius for the Camaro without providing your reasons for doing so. What did you expect?
I bought the camaro because of the body style and the fact it has more to offer than the prius which isn't a bad thing; I still like the prius and when they can offer more then I will consider another purchase. Have you taken the time to see what the LT2 RS has to offer compaired to the Prius? I am not referring to HP either... I have no regret and everyone has an opinion... this will be my 3rd camaro and the fact the body style reminds me of the 69 should I say more??? The only problem I have with the car is the damage...But again the 2010 Prius IV has alot of damage and nothing is perfect and the dealership will correct or I will sue
In your opinion. 17-19mpg city (your usage) and less interior space means it has LESS to offer than the Prius. In my opinion. And it has boring styling. In my opinion. Hey, drive what you want. But this is a discussion forum about the Prius, so not sure why you're surprised that a post like yours got the responses it got. Especially given the wacky reasoning and opinion stated as fact. Going from 53mpg city rating to 17-19mpg rating? Good luck with that!!
No need to explain yourself. This is the same kind of fair well I got from some of my friends on another forum when I moved from a Nissan Murano to a Prius. They didn't mind me trading in my Murano for another car. They just did not like that the other car was a Prius! The truth is that a lot of us don't buy a Prius because it is environmentally friendly. Some of us buy it because we like it. I know I bought mine because I was intrigued by its technology, and getting a great gas mileage did not hurt either. So bottom line, have fun with your camaro, and please post some pictures too.
I knew this thread was to good to be true The first cars damage, what car? what damage? The prius damage, explain. Peeing in the pond is an indication of one's future plans but this is interesting.
I have no problem with my choice after all I do like the Prius and it appears individuals will respond negatively to my purchase since they are only open to a Prius and what it has to offer. How shallow and sad... I have never posted anything negative about anything and I can see what people are truly about after all the Prius is not he only car happening. How very sad and yet not everyone can be judged to be a Prius god that has the ability to put anyone down for moving to another vehicle. The fact that anyone can have different choices is solely based on ones preference. I have never made a bad remark about the Prius I have no regret and nothing that is said will change my opinion. Once again this is only an exit stage left heads up... When I bought the Prius it was dirty as HELL and I had to clean the car in 104 degrees and the damage was alot of B.S and the Camaro has damage too damn W.T.F I am going up on Monday and believe me I will not take any prisoners. Don't get me wrong I like the Prius and will consider another one if they add the extras