For those financing or leasing what are you paying per month? I plan on putting a decent amount down to keep my payment around $300 or so for buying my base PiP.
I got a fully loaded base PIP pluse extended everything, I did put a lot down but my payments are about $300/mo...the $ I'm saving in gas though I'm actually coming out ahead. Prior I was spending about $140/week, now it's reduced to less than $40/week. :cheer2: I did finance around $19K @ 3.5% apr
OK - this is sort of a weird topic. Financing is SO varied. It's about down payment, interest rate, time for the loan as far as months go, how much was financed and how much was cash down or added items to the contract like warranty and trade equity or negative equity ... and then there's credit score... when it comes to terms for this or ANY car, we may as well be talking about financing for a hot tub or a room addition! If you're wondering what people's car payments are, and they are willing to tell you what they are paying monthly to own this car, maybe to clarify things, also ask: How much down, how many months, interest rate, what the terms were EXACTLY. If you find anyone willing to share that information which seems very personal and very personalized to me, then find. But, what IS the point of this thread?