Hi all, purchased a 2012 Prius III a few weeks back with factory 17" alloy wheels. Didn't think about it until today that maybe I should have locks on these wheels. The Shop here on this forum offers some that "Fits all 2010 2011 2012 Prius liftback models." but doesn't mention anything about the wheels size. Does anyone know if these locks will work on 17's? 2010-2012 Toyota Prius Wheel Locks [00276-00900] Thanks!
I wouldn't bother with them. If they're going to steal them, they'll steal your entire car (not likely anyway).
Ha ha, I do have to drive into and park in riskier areas of town once in awhile. It's not the tires being stolen that I care about - it's being stuck out in the middle of nowhere that worries me. It's worth the $40-50 to me.
Are those the Plus Perf wheels on your car? Mine came from Toyota with the locks installed but I did not spec them on my order Mike iPhone
Do people even steal wheels anymore, especially stock ones? Have you ever seen a car on blocks, jacks or something else in your area missing all four wheels? I am not trying to stir the pot or cause trouble. I am one to think wheel locks are unnecessary, and they are easily defeated. Posted from my iPhone via the Tapatalk app.
People will steal just about anything, I guess it's human nature. IMHO, why make it easier for them? I picked up a set of Gorilla locks from Amazon for less than $20, so I think it was worth it.
And we haven''t seen a post here about a stolen Gen III or their wheels either. It's more common for professional thieves to steal the entire car (so they can drive it to a remote location and take their time to strip it), but that's not likely to happen to the Prius. The worse that's happened so far was the theft of the $900 radar-compatible emblem found on the Five with Advanced Tech package. That's if the Prius were actually high on thieves' list. Professional thieves don't operate on human nature; they do it as a business. But if you're worried about some random kids stealing them then fine buy them if that makes you feel better, although it'd be strange of them to target the Prius rather than hundreds of other cars that they'd consider cooler. Does anyone really want the wimpy 15" alloys?
Thanks for all your input. I am still determined to have a set installed ... just because all my other vehicles have always had them. My neighbor's kid had all 4 fancy rims/tires stolen off his 350Z. To add insult to injury, the thief(ves) put the car on cinder blocks from another neighbor who was doing some construction. Anyway, I digress. I don't have the 15" stock, my question was for the 17" wheels on my III/5 and what lug locks would work on them. Thanks!
were the Gorilla locks put on 17" or 15", or does it even matter. Sorry, I'm not all that into cars. And what year Prius was it put on? Thanks.
Size of the wheels don't matter as long as u get the right thread size your good. As someone mentioned look for 12mm x 1.5mm & you'll be fine.
I'd think these wheels & tires might be wanted by some crook I don't know if there is any use for the aluminum 15's but steal enough of them and a crook would have some serious cash from the scrap metal value. Mike
I would check with Danny to confirm. I was going to get a set for my new rims but then found out that the Momo's have a all of the lug nuts with a funky pattern. I think the locks are a nice bit of insurance to keep the honest crooks that way. Replacing the OEM 17's is pricey --- probably looking at 650 - 800 each wheel (wheel, TPMS, tire) depending on what rubber you have to replace. Granted, you would likely have to only pay a deductible, but then there's the hassle of finding your car on blocks (or worse) and the attendant headaches with getting the car back in order.
I bought the oem Prius Plus Wheel Lock set part number PTR27-47100 for $80 when I bought my Plus wheels. They are basically 4 gorilla style lugs with one "keyed" locking lug
a set of these wheels "2nd hand" aka "HOT" on Craigslist would sell like hotcakes. Locks won't slow a pro but will slow your average punk thief ~
The factory 17" has been hot commodity since 2009 yet not a single post about them being stolen (much less the entire Prius stolen and stripped) so it's all FUD.
McGard wheel locks? Toyota Japan uses them as a supplier for their genuine accessories lock nuts. I have a set myself though as above, they aren't going to target Prius to steal things. Plenty higher up in the pecking order before they come down that "low".
Since you have the Momo wheels, you most likely got them from Discount Tires. They use a new wheel mounting "kit", which is basically a set of lug nuts that will fit the Momo aftermarket wheel. The original lug nuts will not fit the Momo. The lug nuts are made by Gorilla brand and I'm sure you got a "key" for them. It should be a long black cylindrical item. Each set is custom keyed to the lug nuts. You should have also gotten a tag with your "key" with a number specifying the keying should you ever lose the key so that Gorilla could make you a new key. How do I know all this? It got a set of Momo's from Discount Tires as well, Except I got the Winter Pro S in 17". Wheel Details - Discount Tire