There's a local shopping mall with 4 new charging stations. I must have been the very first one to use them! Not only is this a great service, but it's also like having your very own reserved parking!
Did you leave it that much over the line, you'll be getting door dung for sure like that. Maybe in 10 years we'll have parking like that around here... I can't even find an outlet to steal any at costco around here.
Parkin' like a Rock Star!!! Add the photo to PlugShare. Every time I use a public charger, I put a photo of it on PlugShare, the iPhone app.
Yes keep it current, if you have time call in issues with charging stations, I had a couple of blinks acting up after the zip code update went into effect, talk to them a couple times awesome customer service.
So I ordered a blink & chargepoint card. Any other one's I should know about. I went to the mall the other day. They had blink chargers. Plugged in and went to see a movie with some friends. Came back and it did nothing. Didn't have a blink card.
Charge point stations you maybe able to get them unlocked remotely after calling them, Blink does not have the ability,. A waiting game for your access card unfortunately.
Question - If everyone parks in the spot, how will newcomers charge their cars? Won't the 4 spots be filled by people shopping?
About this charging station: it's ChargePoint. I'm also member of PlugShare, but haven't used this service yet. Of course, the idea IS to park here and charge the car WHILE shopping. It sure gave me a reason to stick around for an hour or more!
Nope... And I don't go into manhattan with my car so for where I live no charging at the mall, supermarkets etc. And I still live in the 5 boroughs. The supermarkets here, home depot, lowes, target etc just don't have them around here like California and some other places. The only ones I saw here where I live were in a parking lot where you would park your car to take the fery into manhattan. Does me no good unfortunately.
Interesting, It is probably going to be years before charge stations are everywhere. I mentioned chargers to the concierge at the Peppermill in Reno and she thought that was a great idea. But that is as far as it got. One desk clerk in LV said to me, " why should we pay for your driving ?" So most of America is uninvolved, unaware and unconcerned. At this point in time. Incidentally, I am originally from NYC, that is why I asked. Smart decision, NOT driving in the City! :mod:
Lol, yeah, I avoid it at ALL costs even if a bus driver is doing the driving for me... The Brooklyn VA (Veterans Hospital) has a suggestion box somewhere where you walk in. I'm going to put in a suggestion for maybe 2-3 spots for Plug-in vehicles. Maybe, since it's the government, they'll actually give it consideration, who knows.
This is a good idea for every EV'er, where ever you travel habitually, put a bug in people's ears. If we don't do it, who will. Yesterday I had some fun and plugged in at a somewhat defunct military BX / Commisary complex. The plug in access was to the side and end of the building and my cable fit perfectly. Put my emergency blinkers on and awaited some action. Soon it came in the form of a bagger accusing me of stealing electricity, he quickly retreated to go seek his rewards as a good and loyal employee. Soon after came a mini-mgr and her boss 10 min later. They were very interested in the car, which I described in glowing terms. I was allowed to continue charging, but they could not approve future use, but will definitely bring it up to HDQTRS. The Boss was quite interested in the hysterical employee that accused me of stealing electricity, guess he lost points that day! Unfortunately, this is the method whereby EV education will come about, agonizingly SLOW.
I see you're in Sacramento, was that at the BX/Commisary at the old McClellan AFB in North Highlands? That's where I was stationed 94-98... I miss Sacramento and California in general. The base closed shortly after I got out of the service, one of many in California due to Clinton Closings... Yep, I hate company people like the apparent person you ran into. I'd do it again and not think twice, screw em'.
Yes, that is the location, after I retired from USAF I chose this area and this former base, back in 1976. I don't blame Clinton for the closing, it needed to be done. Yes, it is a pretty good location. As for the AK'er, I ignored him. " He know not what he do "
This reminds me that several years ago that there was an article in a regional newspaper of a friend of mine who used a Segway (a two wheeled, stand up, electric mobility device) to commute to and from work. The article stressed how much gas she was saving by not driving and how she was not using a parking space. One reader complained that she was stealing electricity by plugging the Segway into an outlet at work, and was stealing electricity. That person then wrote complaints to the DA and Attorney General. The article never stated that she plugged it into an outlet at work, and in fact she never did. I also remember reading an article about a Tesla owner who had the police called on him from charging his Tesla at an office building. If you use google you can find a similar article about a Chevy Volt owner who got into trouble charging his Volt at his apartment.
I recently parked here again - and found a Volt next to me! Next to him, however, was a gas-powered car, hogging the parking space.