When I first started driving my Prius V in November, I was playing with the EV mode. I am pretty sure that I was able to get up to 25mph before it clicked out of EV mode. After my first oil change at the dealership, I tried the EV mode again and now I can only get up to 10mph in EV mode. On my 2nd trip to the dealership, I asked if they'd changed anything and they said they hadn't. They also said that that was not an option they could adjust. Has anyone else had this experience? What speed does your EV mode disengage at? Thanks in advance!
I was doing 38 mph on a flat road last night. Almost couldn't believe it. I watched my EV and lost some speed on a small hill and by accident blipped the throttle and then the engine turned on. Andy
I don't think I've ever run in straight EV via button but in Eco and normal I can EV to 46. I switch over at 47 even if coasting. Not sure if it helps but...W