Rember, this was 3 1/2 years ago almost that those were given out, quite a while before you got your Roadster. I think it may have just been for a couple of months at the initial announcement and reservation period. I'm sure that's why there are so few of us with R numbers.
Today's e-mail from Tesla contained a link to the updated "build your car" page. The active suspension is a $1500 option. All Model S built in 2012 will have it. The only "free" colors are black and white. Yuk. All of the metallics are $750 with a premium white at $1500. 3M film is another $950 & they don't mention what it covers. The base battery won't go into production until December 2012. The Model S has been certified so it is now street legal. Two cars have been delivered, one to Elon Musk & one to a Director. Dates for the test drives at the store locations are set. Invitations will be sent to reservation holders based on their spot in line & location availability. I can't imagine a test drive in New York City. I'm hoping their event is held in Secaucus or at the Meadowlands. They mention 5000 road tests which may be the total number of reservations.
Apparently, it began ahead of schedule. Delivery of the first Tesla Model S Sedan - YouTube (YouTube video at URL) Just found out about it on the SF BayLEAFs FB page.
I most certainly passed. I'm not going to California for an 8 minute test drive. Invitations will be sent in reservation number order until all the slots are filled at each location. I'll get an invite to each location until I accept one. I presume they are using early production cars for the test drives instead of the Release Candidates. I have a reservation. A month or so before the estimated build date I'll be asked to turn it into an order. Then based on the configuration & options they'll schedule the car for production. The Signature series is being built now. In November they will start building the cars with the 60 kWH (230 mile range) battery pack. In December they will start building with the 40 kWH (160 mile pack). In January 2013 they will start building the cars with the standard suspension. The grey leather is also available starting in November. One of the guys at the EEVC (2 members have Roadsters. The other is a 2.5 Sport) placed his order & the car is scheduled for an August delivery. Evan should be close to placing his order. My guess is that his car will be produced between August & October. It all depends on how fast the cars can be pushed out of the factory & what is being ordered ahead of you.
They plan to build 5000 this year and ramp up to 20k/yr after that. I also am not flying to California for a short test drive. I expect that Tesla will take this week off from finalizing orders to focus on the delivery of the first few Founders and Signature vehicles. but it seems that all Signature orders have been taken (or almost all) and the "R" numbers should be next. I'm R#77 so should get the call next week if my guess is right. If I'm wrong I could get the call as early as tomorrow or Thursday.
Deliveries start TODAY!! 3:30pm PDT streaming. I've waited 3 years, 3 months and 13 days since I placed my order to see this first Model S delivered. I've still got a few months until mine shows up at my front door, but it is an amazing and exciting day for me personally, the buyers getting theirs today, All Tesla reservation holders, Tesla, the EV industry, and a monumental day for the auto industry itself. Model S Deliveries Begin June 22 | Tesla Motors
Are they building a charging station network for the Teslas? Figure 25 charging stations on West Coast and one wouldn't need gasoline.
Yes, they're building a supercharger network that is supposed to charge the 85kWh pack to 80% in 45 min. It's supposed to extend across the US and certainly seems likely that it will start in California. There are already quite a few level 2 chargers in California so it's more than possible to go just about anywhere in the state without having to give it too much thought. Some, like this article, suggest battery swapping--I'm not too sure about that. Tesla Supercharger network to feature solar panels, battery swapping
This begs for an iPhone app to show nearest charger, occupied or not, make reservations for them, show waiting time, suggested alternative.
Well, there is an iphone app coming for the Model S, I assume the supercharger network will be accessable on that for reservations and such. But the real beauty is that it will be an in-car feature you can use via the 17" touch screen on the go!
I wonder what Tesla is using for an internet connection in the car? A person's phone, similar to what Toyota is doing with Entunes, seems like the only way to go other than the care having it's own phone number and connection. At $150K(?) a car, what the heck's another $1K a year for internet service.
Not too many "discount" buyers for $50K plus cars especially with limited production and years backlog. Tesla will likely do as Toyota and other car mfg's do and only build and ship the high end model because they can sell every one they produce at max price, max profit. Be interesting to see what they mean by "Mobile Connectivity". Be cool having the car with its own mobile account.
Tesla's original plan was to make a very low quantity, high end car. Then use that as a springboard to mak a higher quantity luxury sedan at a lower price. And then use that to springboard into a high quantity economy sedan. Roadster base price 109k, 2500 made. Model S base price 57k, 20,000/year planned. Blue star concept coming up in 4-5 years. For a small start up auto company, I don't see another way to do it. Likewise to have achieve what the have so far is pretty damn phenomenal in my opinion
Looking good for Tesla. The inclusion of Nvidia Tegra processors to power the touch screen is awesome.