:cheer2: Yay - we just picked up our PIP and are super excited......except that the GPS is locked on Kentucky? It does not locate us here in Sacramento, CA and the dealer said if we can't get it working, they obviously will be fixing it. Anyone else have this problem or know how to fix? We had 3 guys at the dealer looking at it and could not figure it out. Thanks
nut sure, but i think you can change the state in the settings, or maybe region? has anyone checked the manual?
So it's back at the dealer as they said the GPS might need a reset?? We shall see what tomorrow brings Also, FYI - I have an iPhone 4 earlier model and the tech said that sometimes the call clarity on the receivers end of the call is not clear. I have had a couple of phone calls where my friends said it's a big "garbly"....... I'm going to do some research on that.
I wasn't stuck in Kentucky, but somehow I ended up in Detroit, MI. Powered the car off and on and I was back in the Silicon Valley. What's weird is that the GPS info screen showed my location as correct, but the map insisted on showing me that I was in Detroit.
When I first sat in my new PiP (it had 1 mile on the odometer, and had been stored indoors at the dealer since it arrived several days go), the GPS had some strange state displayed on it (never bothered to figure out which one, we just new it wasn't Braintree, MA). Myself and the salesman spent about 10 minutes trying to find the "region" setting, that used to be on older GPS's in older Prius's (I'm familiar with it, since this is my fourth Pius), we never did locate the "region" setting, but after the car was powered on outdoors for the 10 minutes we where fiddling with it, I noticed the map display was now showing the correct location... So, power it up outside and just wait, it's likely it will be showing the correct location on the map, eventually.
We just bought our new 3rd gen Prius and live in the SF bay. We turned navigation on and we were in KY No matter where we drove or which destination we entered, we were still in KY at the same place. Have had 3 people look at it and spent all day at the Toyota shop. Nada. Taking it back next week ... they think maybe an antenna isn't connected? I hope it's not a hardware issue ... Not happy with Toyota right now. Brand new cars should NOT have these issues off the lot. ANy news with you?
Their tech line is very good. It's probably got to get a hard reset or a "flash" as it's called. It happens. No computer is perfect every time.
The dealer actually had to replace the GPS and swapped it out with one from a new 2012 Prius. He said the regular Prius and PIP Standard have the same GPS component. So, I'm no longer in KY (thankfully Take it in, and tell them you want it replaced.
Depends on where in KY. Don't wanna end up in that movie, 'Deliverance' lol. ...which was actually filmed in part in Juniata County, PA. Shhh....