I take delivery of my new barcelona red in a week, but am having major anxiety... can't remember the last time I was this excited!!! anyway, I wanted to start reading the owner's manual.... from what I hear here there is a lot to digest. Is there somewhere to access this on the internet, or here in prius chat? Any help greatly appreciated..... happy holidays!
Yes, sort of.... You can pay a fee at : http://techinfo.toyota.com/ and subscribe for various periods of time and download the manual...but you have to do it in pieces, you can't download the entire thing at once. There are, probably, some illegal copies out there that are available as a single download.
In order to download off of that site, you have to download over 1000 separate files... someone here must have come up with an easier way to do it....
I found only 39 files for the owner's manual and some of those wouldn't really need to be downloaded anyway (stupid foreword and stuff like that), should't take you more than 30 minutes to download it all if you have broad band.
i do have broadband, and would love to purchase it.... do you mind letting me know which files I need and which I don't? thanks for the response!
Hydee, Go to the site, subscribe, then go to the main page where you select the vehicle you're looking for. Select the 2006 Prius. Click/check the box by 'owner's manual', then click the search button at the bottom. When the window to the right opens it should say "all sections"--click the "Find" button and the 39 pertainent files will show up below. Double click each one individually then "Save As" however/wherever you want it. Proceed with each file you want the same way. Once you're subscribed it should take only minutes. Now, if you want the Repair manual or wiring diagrams it's going to be a lot longer process.
so is this the entire "owners manual" that I would get with the car? Do you recommend purchasing it early to begin to learn some of the features? Thanks for your help!!
thanks for the good intentions... Im kinda bummed that I forked over my dough and they are not compatable with Apple computers... oh well.
In what way are they not compatable with a Mac? What type of file did they come as? Are you using Tiger?
im running everything on the latest software updates from Apple. I should have read other parts of the site before signing up, but it just seemed like a sure thing. Anyway, under system requriements it says that it only works on a windows platform.. no apple love
Hummm, I just took a look. It seems that the end product is a .pdf file which any mac can read; however, you can't download the file with a Mac. Since you paid to get on the site, I would have no qualms in finding someone who has downloaded the .pdf files on a windows machine and having them send them to me so I could then read them on my Mac.
When I bought my 2004, the dealer gave me the manual as soon as I signed the paperwork, several days before the car was actually in my hands.
If you want to help me out that would be great, I have no problem giving you my login... If you just trying to rub it in haha right back at ya
2006 Prius New Car Features I downloaded my 06 Prius manual around a month ago, but the "New Car Features" section wasn't ready yet. Are the 06 Prius New Car Features ready yet? Thanks,