The guy in the video is my Dentist and he frequently gives talks for Prius owners at our local Toyota dealership. I thought I would share his video Prius Driving Lessons by DR. Romanazzi - YouTube
Enjoyed it. Thanks for posting. If I were nitpicking, and I guess I am, it seems to me he conflates gliding with being 'on electric.' To me, one is only in a glide if no power is coming from the ICE or the MGs. If there is no power being applied, then you are 'on' neither gas nor electric. Gliding is the pure momentum state, and I especially like the way he identifies this as a third power source. Coasting is the slight regen of no pedal use, akin to drag in an automatic tranny car, and I think he used this term correctly. But I think the people that get good mileage 'on electric as much as possible' are really gliding or close to it, and just not making the distinction. There are times to use the pack, such as from a dead stop to around 15 mph without engaging the ICE. Or to avoid the ICE when one needs only modest power to reach a target speed or crest a hill.
I like the video for the fact that the fine doctor is critically thinking about the states of the car's operation and how to truly optimize its fuel economy. Analyzing it to the point of making a video about one's findings is a truly great intellectual effort, and I admire that. I've driven a honda hybrid since 2000 and a prius c for a week, so I'm transitioning to a mostly new paradigm. I will say, as has been mentioned above, that he has a non standard definition of the glide state as being electric propulsion, and treating the "momentum of the road" as its own energy source makes my engineer skin crawl a little. But hey, if it works for him, and he's working towards the goal of decreasing the amount of gasoline it takes to transport him, I'm 100% behind him. The video from the fine doctor reminds me though that not all science expertise actively encompasses classical physics.
Just cover your prius in clay and put gold ball intentions all over it (al la mythbuster style). You'll improve your mileage over 11%. LOL