Well folks, I'm sorry to say that I can attest to the performance of my 2010 Prius during a 50+ mph sideswipe on a divided highway. It occurred April 5th in Rochester NY and probably looked like a NASCAR kiss and subsequent spin out by both cars into the median. I happened to go through the "Welcome to Rochester" flower garden, down the other side of the median into the oncoming traffic lane and then managed to pilot her back into the median. Car took down two 4/4 signposts and a highway reflector marker. No airbag deployment but did have $11,800 damage to body. Wheels did not require re-alignment. Body damage to front, left rear quarter panel and rear door, right rocker panel. Car was remarkably sound during that split second change of direction and hair raising trip. I was impressed. Other driver and I were not injured (he also drove another Toyota - model? ). We were very very fortunate. My car is looking well after a lot of TLC by my body man. Oh yes...he had to buy $140 gloves to disengage the battery pack, despite what the bare handed lady on You Tube did.... Way to go, Toyota!
In my first 2010, had 3 kids and me - turned to quiet down the ones in the back, subsequently hit a center median curb (4"+ high) head on at an angle (40 MPH). It was high enough to pretty much stop the car at the drivers front - sending us end over end (yes end over), and rolling. All airbags deployed. The only injury was a slight burn to my hand (airbag). From the outside, you would think there were fatalities... Needless to say, the replacement was the same car... We then got one for one of the kids... Insurance totaled the car...
OP: You didn't mention if the sideswipe was the other driver's fault. If so, be sure to get diminished value from their insurance company.
Glad your ok 46mike! I'm amazed you can have a 3 year old car with $11,800 in damage and it not be totalled. rrolff, that's scarey! And with 3 kids in the car is a nightmare. Really happy for you and family that the Prius held together. I've heard some pretty amazing crash stories about how the Prius has held its own. (Safely)! :faint2:
Aloha 46mike welcome to PC wow that sounded like one heck of a ride. Tell your body guy now that he has the gloves he can take on more Hybrid work if he wants to and you can refer all of your new Prius Chat friends in your area. Glad to hear everybody was okay.
Glad everyone walked away, wow! Yes, $11k in damage would total most 3 year old $20k+ (purchase price) Evidently not a Toyota
Glad you're OK. If it is cheaper to repair the vehicle vs a total loss, then that is the route that the insurance company will take. There's no reason to total out the vehicle if it can be repaired economically, at least from the insurance company's POV.