To me, a hedge is that damn thing in front of my house that I have to trim twice a year. lol I live in staten Island, which is a rather densely populated suburb of NYC. IOW, every other corner there is a light or stopsign. My average speed indicator is usually at 17...yet I manage to average 52+ under these conditions.
EVs excel at efficiency under slow and stop-and-go conditions. My Roadster peaks with over 400 miles range at a constant speed of around 17 or 18 mph.
Of course I've only had the imiev a few days, but it is a totally different driving experience. On the Prius, you try to use the battery, on the imiev, you try not to...duh. Pulse and glide also doesn't work. Slowing down driving into a hill does work. So far, with my 2 1/2 year driver training on a Prius, and three days on the miev, it seems like my RR indicator doesn't go down quite as quickly as the number of miles I actually drive...which I think is a good thing. Of course I haven't used headlights, CC, just the radio.
I don't think the headlights use up much energy. I'd rather have the safety of headlights (even in the daytime, so other drivers see me better) than a couple of extra miles of range. Even in the Xebra, with it's 40 miles to empty, I always used the headlight.
So I attempted a full charge again last night as I had quite a bit of driving in store for today. I underestimated the time I needed for charging...again, but I started out with 80 miles RR. I had all 16 pips. I drove 16 miles into Manhattan, and when I pulled into the parking lot, my RR was 77. I only used up 3 miles of RR, and I used up two pips. The weather was good, no CC, speed varied from 15-40 mph, heavy traffic but not stop and go. At the parking lot, I got the attendant to charge me up with their 220volt charger. My car was there for about 1 1/2 hours, but I am not certain exactly how long I was connected, or whether it was fully charged. When I got in the car, my RR was 99...Eureka. Now, driving home, I did the same 16 miles with the AC on (very minimal), as it was very muggy and noisy(worked great BTW). My average speed was higher, 40-45, and I drove a bit more aggressively as traffic permitted. When I got back, my RR was 83, so I used up 16 miles of RR driving 16 miles. Pretty good, I thought using AC.