My 2010 has no ACC mode. Took it to dealer to have key fob programed and dealer could not put car into ACC mode. I'm second owner. This is not an issue of how to put in ACC mode. It does not enter ACC. Dealer found aftermarket wiring on left side, under dash. Thoughts include bluetooth or satellite nav system added and bypassed ACC mode. Dealer wants $300 just to look, plus cost to fix. Any ideas? Thanks.
Check if there's a relay or something interrupting the power button when the brakes are not on. My guess is that the previous owner had problems with family members not knowing how to properly start the car and then complaining that they couldn't get it to go anywhere. What happens if you press and hold the power button, press the brake, and then release the power button?
Correct. Can not enter ig-on either. If I press and hold pwr button, press brake, release pwr button the car is in ready mode.
This is either a problem we have never seen before, or the previous owner did some custom wiring. The brake light switch on the brake pedal is used to check for brake application when powering up. I would start by looking there. Tom
This really is an interesting problem. The same input from the Power button is used in both cases. The only difference is that for Ready mode the ECU is looking for both the Power button input along with the brake pedal input. This seems to be working fine. For the ACC mode the ECU is looking for the Power button input only and the lack of a brake pedal input. The IGN-ON is looking for the second press of the Power input button and again the lack of the brake pedal input. Also, when working correctly, when you first press the brake pedal the light inside the Power button will turn green. Without the brake pedal pressed I believe the light is amber color. Do you get the amber color light without the brake pedal?
Thanks all for the input. Will print out and take to local shop. In regards to pwr button light: always green, it never goes amber. Might anyone have additional thoughts?
The light illuminates green when the brake pedal is depressed. I'd suspect a faulty break switch. This would, however, also interfere with proper cruise control operation if it were the switch itself and not something upstream.
As mentioned above check the brake lights. Brake light switch (under the dashboard) is used to insure the brake is pushed prior to going to the Ready mode. If I had that problem I would unhook the 12V battery and leave it for a few minutes then reconnect. When the car completely reboots it might "fix" itself. You will need to reset the audio presets when it comes back up.
Yes, it seems like ACC has been bypassed. They could have done that by the brake input sensor. Why? Who knows. Does the car have an aftermarket remote start?
Ok, just came back from local garage and it's fixed. BUT, we still don't know what it was.... Here is a picture of the wiring. It went from front, under dash, left and back to the 12v battery. It was spliced into the ignition wiring. All put back to factory specs and ACC and ig-on are fine. Guesses? Garage thinks maybe a low-jack type? Thanks for all the help.
Yes, that's what the garage said. But now the curious question is why? The wiring was connected to a device on the lower dash, under the start button. It was removed when I got the car, but two screw holes remain, and said wiring was behind the dash. Low jack? Alcohol monitor blocking start if drinking?
Looks like this: SMART ENERGY SOLUTIONS RPM+ VERSION 4.2 RESERVE POWER MODULE | eBay This listing is for 1 Smart Energy Solutions RPM+ Version 4.2 Reserve Power Module. Monitors battery voltage and prevents total drainage Leaves enough charge to start vehicle Reset button restarts the vehicle Prevents unauthorized use of vehicle by disabling battery