From time to time while driving in EV mode, a red bar is displayed with HSI or Hybrid Synergy Indicator. What is it's purpose? I can't get rid of it, although since I am driving at the time I don't try too hard. Hybrid System Indicator
Agreed! I wonder if it could possibly be anything related to indicating what acceleration level will turn on the ICE. I would find that very useful!
I am doing extensive EV ing right now since there are chargepoints at my local favorite mall. Both levels 1 & 2. I have on a daily basis driven only EV and do not believe that the PIP has even accidentally gone into HV mode. This red bar mode has come on several times now.
Are you certain that the engine isn't on in this 'red bar mode'? Could you post a picture of what you see?
No, not certain, and do not have a camera, I gave up on them. As for 124 mile limitation, ? Possibly. Next time it comes up I will check it out better Apparently, I am the only one in the World getting this......
It's not all at once. I use a little gas due to getting to the charging station after the EV has depleted.
My friends 2011 also gets the red bar, I'm just guessing but maybe it has to do with really stepping on the gas and is telling you your not being eco friendly? wild guess!
Sounds like you've activated "power" mode, for lack of a better description. It means the gas engine is running at higher RPM's and you are demanding a lot of electricity from the battery. In fact, it says "PWR" under the bar. Pages 268 through 270 in the manual explain what everything is. If the red bar has come on, you are not driving in EV mode at that point.
Possibly, to clarify: On trip A, the top heading bar " Hybrid System Indicator" is back lighted in red. Coming home from lunch today it happened twice and then shut off by itself. In EV mode the entire time. I drive extremely conservatively, keeping the acceleration bar always at one half or below the ECO point.
I was, am, always have been, will be in EV MODE. I am not speaking of the indicator bar, but, the words above, are highlighted in red, specifically, " HYBRID SYSTEM INDICATOR "
My wife reported seeing this just once, and asked me what was going on, and like everyone else here, I was clueless. I myself have never seen this. She specifically said that it was the background for the "HYBRID SYSTEM INDICATOR" words, not the bar graph under the words. We are conditioned to treat things in red as a trouble indicator, thus the concern.