Just drive back a brand new 2012 Prius 2. It has 20 miles on it now, and was planning on driving to LA (from SFO) to meet friends and family for the long weekend. Is it ok to hit the highway on a brand new car? Anything I should be careful of? Dos / Donts? Tips? Looking forward to becoming a part of the PC community!
Enjoy the drive, come on down US 1 the scenic route, the 5 will hit 80+, that might be kinda fast for the new engine break in.
I did the exact thing except I took 101 all the way south. For the first 1,000 miles or so I recommend the following: 1- Keep speed at or below 65 mph 2- Plan ahead when climbing hills by speeding up a bit before you get to it so you can use inertia and keep engine rpm low during climb. 3- Enjoy your trip
I made the opposite drive. I went from Carson to Sacramento. The car will be fine. Just try and vary your speed a bit.
Thanks, all! I'll try to maintain speed around 65mph, although very tough to do on I5, where ppl buzz around at 80+ speeds. Staying off cruise control will help me stay awake for the drive!
Then drive down US 101 instead & enjoy the better drive, I-5 is just plain boring & the slower speeds will be better for the new car.
Hmm, ok guys. A little reality here. The Prius varies the engine speed all the time with even the tiniest hill or wind gust. Using cruise is fine. But I would take 101 over 5 anytime. I hate "ballistic expressways". You don't have to worry about "breakin". Modern machining is now good enough it isn't necessary. Only the brakes need care for the first few 100 mi.
I drove my car from the dealer in LA to SF. If anything, letting the car break in without a bunch of start/stops is probably better. Its built to be driven. It'll be fine. Enjoy! Turn up the radio really loud.
Me too! I would also recommend this route and avoiding I-5 which will have much faster traffic. I bought my Prius at Carson about a month ago. Drove from Carson to Pacific Grove (345 miles) and took 101 the entire way. Fastest I went was 65 and I varied it from high 50's to 65. Took a few breaks along the way as well. From Carson to 101 I took 405 which was bumper to bumper to 10. I averaged just under 60mpg; really fantastic.
I'll fifth (or so) taking 101 over 5. And I agree that the CVT will vary the RPM's quite well with varying grades, wind conditions, etc....and that is assuming that modern engines and modern oil still requires engine break in by varying RPM's (which I doubt).
We put 300 miles on our new 2012 Prius 2, then went on a 4,000 road trip. Great car, much of the trip on two lane roads around the west, got 49.9 mpg, with lots of elevation gain and loss (Calif to Nevada, Utah, southern Colorado, NM and Arizona).
I just purchased mine in Phoenix and drove it back to San Diego. The most important this is to vary the speed and not to use the brakes really hard. Otherwise, just enjoy the drive back. It's a great car to spend a several hours behind.