I'm considering buying a Prius. Of course it would be nice to have all the top of the line options but money is a consideration. Two features that I'm considering are the rear-view camera (I've heard rear visibility is bad) and the solar roof. Those are pretty pricy options. In order to get the rear-view camera I have to step up from a two to a three ($1500) and the solar roof adds another $1500. I don't think I'm that interested in navigation since you can buy a GPS for $100 and I understand map upgrades for the Prius are VERY expensive. Do you think these two options are worth it? We live in central California where it is over 90 degrees all summer long. The car would be parked in the garage at home but when you go to the store, it's hot when you come out! Would the solar fan even be able to make a difference in such heat? While we're talking about options, are there any other features that you think are a must-have? I’m going to the dealer tonight and will be using the Costco buyer program to obtain a price. Do you know if you actually get a good price if you go through Costco? Thanks for your suggestions.
Sorry, it looks like I posted this to the Prius V forum. Feel free to respond but it looks like I should repost to a different forum.
I live in SF Bay Area. I was going to use the Costco price until another Prius Chat member mentioned the price they got their Prius v5 for. It was $900 lower than the Costco price ($600 under invoice). I asked for the same price and got it. I think the Costco price is close to the price you can get by emailing around. If you are a super-negotiator, it seems like you can get lower. I am not a super-negotiator, but I followed in the footsteps of one! (Thanks TUV! :rockon
I replied to your identical post in the Newbie forum. If you're considering a Prius v, then a back up camera is a nice thing to have.