The countdown is on A few other tidbits include adjustable ride height, adjustable regen, and adjustable steering! All through the touch screen.
Sounds like under-promised and over-delivered. Government crash test is done and the deliveries are ahead of the schedule. If I recall, you got the signature series so you'll be one of the first to get it then.
Woo hoo! I'm so stoked for you, brother! The Model S even has user adjustable ride height? Seriously?
User adjustable suspension, regenerative braking and steering wheel resistance/sensitivity! Very exciting day!
I don't have a Sig, but I have an "R" number--so I'm just after the signs and just before the general production ("P") numbers. I think, technically, I should get car #1077.
They didn't say all that stuff was "free". Everything is included in the Signature Series but we'll see what happens when it's time to build a production car. Tesla is building the cars based on battery size & probably some other factors too. So someone with a higher reservation number wanting a larger battery will get their car before someone with a lower number who wants the small battery. We also don't know how many reservations were cancelled.
All true, I have a good number and am getting the largest battery, so hope to be pretty early. I know there may be a few cancellations in front of me, but there's a waiting list for the Sigs, so I'm pretty sure there will still be 1000+ in front of me.
Sweet!! Can't wait to see the photos! Adjustable regen?? Interesting... Is the height-adjustable suspension automatic as well? (e.g. lowered ride height at highway speeds)
AFAIK, if you opt for the air suspension it automatically adjusts to speed. It hasn't been made clear if the manually adjustable suspension applies only to the optional air suspension or for the standard as well. As usual, new information leads to even more questions.
Nice! And the adjustable regen is just to adjust how much drag when you lift off the accelerator, right? Just a simple setting?
Great news! It sounds like an awesome car. One additional benefit is that you won't have to moderate PriusChat any more. Or are you keeping the Prius?
I am sure there are a few, but probably not many. Each reservation required a $5000 deposit. So most that made the reservation we pretty serious about it.
How did you swing the R series? Were they letting Roadster owners give away their priority? I had adjustable air suspension (aftermarket) on the front wheel of my Xebra when I first got it. I hated it. I could never get it right. I ended up having it taken off, and a regular suspension put on. (The OEM suspension on the Xebra was bad. I ended up with aftermarket suspension on all three wheels, and then it was great.) I knew about the adjustable regen and suspension on the S, but I didn't know about adjustable steering. Is the steering ratio adjustable, or only the amount of power assist? I'm really looking forward to your first reports on your S. Of course, there will be reports from others sooner, but still... I fully expect this to be a great car and to give the company a real boost. The Roadster is the best car I've ever driven, but the S brings them closer to the mainstream, and will convince some of the fence-sitters that Tesla is a serious company with solid potential. The fanatical gasheads will never be convinced, but the public is starting to take notice. There's a thread on the Lotus chat board (which I saw because it was referenced on the Tesla board) about the large number of people who are asking Lotus drivers if their car is a Tesla. There are far more Lotus than Tesla Roadsters, but people are starting to recognize the Tesla. I'm finding that at least a third of the people who approach me about my car know what it is, maybe half. This means Tesla is getting public awareness, and the Model S will give that a real boost.
LOL! I'm pretty sure my indentured servitude has not expired yet! We'll keep the Prius, going to persuade my wife to make it her daily driver while we "preserve" the Highlander Hybrid for longer trips/hauling, etc. If the Prius can last another 4 years it'll become my boys' car when they start driving.
Each roadster owner was given 5 "family and friend" R priority "invites". A kindly member of Priuschat who is also a Roadster owner gave me one of his. Surprisingly few were actually used...I don't think there are much over 100 R numbers. Thinking Tesla may have a better handle on this than Zap. Not sure, they just mention the comfort, normal and sport mode, it sounds like it's the responsiveness/ratio, but I don't know. Completely agree...I feel like we're at the start of how things were with the Prius 8-9 years ago. The 1st gens were out there, but in such small numbers and not really displaying all the practicality that people want. Once the Gen II hit and people saw it was a "real" car, with real capacity and performance and FE and it had nice new tech features it has really taken off and changed the auto industry. I hope to be on that same bleeding edge with Tesla and EVs.
there will be a red version available sometime next year, probably by the time your reservation number came up if you reserve now. But I would have opted for Red if available too. That said, the outside color is about the least of my priorities.
I don't remember getting those invites. Maybe the R list was full by the time I bought mine. Or maybe my memory is just bad. Ya think? A friend of mine had a 2001 Prius. I liked the concept, but was not willing to give up the utility of my Civic station wagon. When the 2004 came out as a liftback, that did it for me. Not quite a station wagon, but close enough.