Does anyone know where buys used tires? I want to replace new tires, but my OEM tires are still very new under 10k miles around Long Beach, CA Any suggestions?
Hi jaredy, Our local paper has a section called "Bargain Counter" and I have sold tires that way with good results. Maybe your local paper has such a section? Cheers
Is it not illegal to purchase used tyres? Surely you don't know if they'd been involved in an accident such as skidding sideways for 300 yards before impact. You also don't know how long they've been stored for or how they were stored. For the low cost of new tyres and the safety aspect, I'd just avoid used tyres like the plague. Is your life worth that $100 saving over the 40,000 mile lifespan?
seems to be the priuschat way. Buy an economical, fuel efficient car...Immediately spend $400 to buy higher mpg tires. Swap out oil and transaxle fluid generating more waste and expense. Pat self on back for being "green".
You do not know if the OP is upsizing or downsizing the wheels. There have been a couple of Five owners here who purposely downsized to 15" wheels in order to get higher mpg.
It is quite legal and people here do it all the time. Americans are obsessed with custom wheels and it is often surprising the quality of used tire that you can find. I buy used tires for my trailers; my in-laws have bought nothing but used tires for their cars for years.
I guess it's a matter of cultural differences. You can continue to pull over for unmarked cars and we will happily buy potentially exploding used tires. I think the former is significantly more risky than the latter
Pulling over for unmarked cars? I guess it depends on what is classed as 'unmarked'. They are unmarked in that at a quick glance they appear a normal car - that is until you see the extra lights at the front, side and rear, the aerials and a big flashing sign at the back and the two burley gentlemen sitting in the front with day glow jackets. It's not like some weirdo can just install a flashing blue light and go stopping people all the time. As you stated in that link, you are quite within your rights to not stop if you are in doubt or at least not get out or wait for a marked police car to arrive. So there's a little more to it than any old car pulling you over risking your safety, and if they don't follow the rules you can sue their nice person! BBC News - Strathclyde Police car's stop on motorway was 'not legal'
Yeah, they're not really unmarked. In fact, some of the California Highway Patrol cruisers are the same way except they share the same black and white colors and have signs on the sides found on normal cruisers. In some countries the truly unmarked cars are allowed to pull people over. I'd gladly take a used tire over that any day.
Each to their own I guess. I guess that's why litigation is so popular in California - you crash into me because of defective tyres and I won't be happy. Countries where used tyres are popular seem to have issues; Nigeria: Used Tyres Responsible for Most Road Accidents -FRSC
Here is how to determine the date the tires were manufactured. Keep in mind that a tire stored for 5 years may not be in "like new" condition because the rubber compound will deteriorate just sitting in storage. Determining the age of a tire
By the time a typical all-season tire's wear bars unite, ie: get to the minimum legal depth, your wet, frosty and light snow traction is seriously compromised. Depends on your circumstances. Your climate for instance. And, if you're switching over to dedicated snow tires in winter you can let the regular tire's tread depth drop more before replacement. But it's dillusional to think a tire's traction stays the same until it hits the wear bars. Personally, by the time all 4 tires have reached 5/32" remaining, I start shopping.
At least I'll still be alive unlike in Mississippi Come on, this is Nigeria. The land where they regularly try to scam us of our iPhones on ebay