I have tree sap on the roof and doors of my 1 month old Prius. Can someone please tell me what is the best way to clean/remove the tree sap?
Hi M; I have been dealing with pine tree sap for years. The sooner you get to it the easier it will be to remove. The older the sap the drier it becomes, but it's still can be dealt with effectively. Clean the area around the sap first. Use "Goof Off" (bought at Home Depot, Ace, or any H/W store) soaked on a paper towel and place that on the sap. If the sap is still fluid and sticky, the Goof Off will remove it very easily. If dried, just keep applying the Goof Off and rub it gently and it will come off as it loosens up. No need to rub it too vigorously. Once removed, clean the area again or better yet just wash the car and I like to wax that specific area. Good luck!
In addition to Goof Off, Bug and Tar remover, available at all the car stores, works well. If it's fresh (like same day), the high pressure wand at a car wash will take most of it off, reducing some labor.
+1 Spray the stuff onto a cloth rag then rub- rather than spraying directly onto the car's painted surface.
Just use WD40 if it is fresh. I used to work at a car wash and for sap, bugs, and gas stains, we would use kerosene or diesel to clean it.
Wanted to add if it's just 'light' sap from spring time budding trees you can use normal car wash soap, like Dawn. I park near some smaller trees at my office and get a light dusting of sap on my car but it comes off easily with mild soap and a car wash cloth or mit. No reason to apply all those harsh cleaners if they're not needed.
...another thread we concluded turpentine might work well (like dissolves like) but check safety for car finish first.
Well, Dawn is definitely not a "normal car wash soap" as it'll strip wax, but yes, it's safe and give it a try first if they're light.
I would first try warm, maybe very warm water and car wash soap, it that doesn't do it and you can tell with your fingers, if it's gone, I would then go with a clay bar. I would not use Goof Off or any other petroleum derivative as I would be concerned with long term damage to the clear coat. There is no doubt the petroleum products will do the trick, but the long term effects could be noticable, especially if the car will be in the sun.