Does the Prius model cars get better mpg after more miles are put on them, or is that a thing of the past?
My Prius started at 42 MPG and is currently having a lifetime average of 46. My MPG does go down with new tires, so some part of it is that. I suspect I am a more frugal driver after 3 years, someone like John1701a who has had (at least) 4 Prius may be able to say how much is just driver training. But I do think various mechanical bits get worn smooth over time.
Yes but I think most of it is due to tire break. I would think that drivetrain break in would help since friction may be reduced as you well know.
I would say that the most important part in lowering consumption in (first time) driver in Prius is the driver itself. Only 2-nd/3-rd new Prius owners could really say whether it's because of break in or driver experience Tire break definitely helps, clean air filter (after service) and fresh engine oil. (And warm not hot ambient temperatures)
The fuel efficiency of my 2010 Prius incrementally improved over the last two and a half years - but it was due to me picking up additional driving skills needed to drive the Prius more efficiently.
The car is pretty much set, it's the driver that needs breaking in! It could also be phrased, breaking in new Prius drivers to get rid of old gas guzzling habits!
my 04 was the same from the day i bought it til the day i sold it four years later. same thing with my 08.
My wife got a real world in town 42 mpg on her first tank, then 43. After a few trips with me she got the hang of it and all her tanks since have been just under 49 to over 50. Her 01 Voyager was getting 13-14 in town with her driving but a solid 16 for me....she yended to stay on the gas right up until near stop lights whereas FI'd coast to them. A LOT of the lights are in sync with the speed limits and I love to blow past hot rodders that race light to light and sit at every one.
I rode with my wife in my Prius (her driving) and I was amazed on how inefficiently she drove (almost never coasted, hence always pushing a pedal). Many years ago in San Francisco, I used to commute across town and would take "the Sunset" (a North/South road) which had lights timed at 30 mph. I would shake my head in wonder at how many people refused to figure out the light pattern...floor it and stomp on the brakes, when they could cruise up to 30 mph and hold. Morons.
We purchased our Prius new in May 2009. The next week after we bought it we got married and went to Reno Nevada for our Honeymoon. Round trip, calculated, from Seaside Oregon to Reno Nevada, I believe was somewhere between 52-53 mpg. This is when gas was only $2 per gallon and sometimes less in places, and we probably spent more on coffee than gas.....
Glad to see this post, I have been wondering too! My prius is only a week old, and my MPG is solid at 47. I have to say, I was hoping for the full 52 mpg! I have been driving a hybrid (honda insight) for the last year, so i have learned a little, but this Prius has so much more power than that Insight that I can't help but drive a little harder!! Nice to get a little zoom zoom back!
The Prius is capable of great things, I am almost there to learning how to break 70 mpg in regular driving. 50 is the worst winter tank I ever did, 57 is lmpg, summer is mostly well over 60 mpg , came close 70 but missed it ( 69 last tank) all are at the pump measurements. I do believe it is all in the hands of the driver. My previous 2000 Insight would be well over 70 mpg all summer long. its lmpg was 61, so the Prius is only about 5 mpg less, but 10 years newer and 10 times the room and 1200 pounds heavier and a lot more stable, but of course less fun to drive....