After stopping at an intersection for a car in front of us to make a left turn we were about to resume traveling when we were struck from behind by a larger SUV traveling about 40+ mph. The safety features, especially the head rests and seats along with the incredible construction of rear end of the Prius c kept us from being severely injured. The car didn't survive but we did! We' re sore but no cuts scratches or broken bones. In a couple of days after we recouperate we will place an order for another Prius c to replace the one that was totaled. Unfortunately the dealer tells us that it will take 6 mos for delivery of a Model 2 Moonglow to Hawaii due to the current backlog. Great car Toyota, just sorry you can't t build them fast enough. Aloha everyone,
So glad you folks are not badly injured. Take care and take it easy till you feel better. And thank you for posting a report on the safety features and how they kept you from being seriously hurt. I'm amazed you're able to post after what you've just been through.
Very glad to hear you suffered no serious injuries! I'd be interested to see the extent of the damage and how the C reacted to a rear impact - do you have photos?
So sorry to hear about your car, but very glad everyone is okay. Must have been a scary moment. I hope you suffer no lingering pain, and that you get a new c sooner than expected!
Glad to hear that you are ok and thanks for sharing with us. I'm sure a lot of people would like to know this, but unfortunately it comes at the expense of your car being totaled. Good luck and take care!
No pictures?!?! Good to hear the car can take an impact like that, I hope you don't have to wait too long for a replacement.
Wow! So glad you were not seriously injured! Let us know how things go for you and your wife. Keep us updated on what you choose as your replacement car. I'm curious on what direction you'll go. Deb
From what he wrote he is getting another C . Glad the car held up and you and your wife are doing ok. Would definitely be interested in some pics to see the damage the back took from the SUV.
the OP added photos to his original post. they made me cringe imagining seeing that to my car, but I'm glad to hear that everyone is ok!
Man your lucky to walk away from that. Hope that SUV driver got a expensive ticket for being stupid. Nice to know the C can handle such a devistating impact and keep the passenger area from crushing. Wait it out for your new C. It'll be worth the wait Take care, Mike .. iPhone
Wow.. it looks bad. Glad you and your family are ok. It's sad to see the car like that though. Is there anybody sit in the back?
I don't know if I would call this safe. Anybody sitting in the back would have been seriously injured or possibly killed.