An article today suprized me, but I'll poll first and hope a few hours goes by before that article is posted.
^ I nearly switched to Firefox after the Shockwave Flash/Google Chrome conflicts. Both browsers have hundereds of add-on extensions.
It should be a multiple selection poll. I use Firefox most of the time, but Chrome for a few things. I use Opera on my phone. Tom
I would be very upset is someone didn't let me use Chrome. I have spent a lot of time with IE, FireFox and Safari and Chrome is my favorite.
i'm not computer savvy. mine came with msn and ie. i like msn as my home page although, if there was something better, i would try it. i haven't had much trouble with ie so why change?
I voted Firefox since I primarily use it. I usually leave Chrome open too but mainly only use it for GMail (long story that maybe I'll explain later). Chrome has some annoying quirks and I figured Firefox's marketshare is larger so there's less of a chance of compat problems w/various sites. I too am surprised by the claims in an article that I think Chuck's referring to.
I hadn't seen that article but instead saw;top-stories.
I'm using Firefox with the Adblock Plus addon on all my computers and my Android phone. Wouldn't have it any other way. I briefly fiddled with Chrome about a year ago when Firefox kept crashing randomly, but switched back as soon as I found out Firefox had fixed the issues. Mainly because Adblock Plus isn't nearly as effective with Chrome (especially YouTube ads). I also have Opera installed on my desktop, although I rarely use it - it's a backup, if anything. Default browser on my Android let way, way too many ads in. Annoying.
I was going to try Chrome for my netbook recently when I had to reset it. Research from a couple sites has shown that, in terms of resources, it and the latest Firefox were about the same, with a slight edge to Firefox. So I stuck with Firefox. I liked Netscape back in the day. Didn't know they were still around. When I attended college, my school hadn't gone to MS yet. So my early exposure was to Netscape, Corel, and Lotus.
I switched from IE to Firefox even before I dumped the PC in favor of the Mac. I switched from Firefox to Chrome when Firefox went haywire. I'm satisfied with Chrome and probably won't switch until Chrome starts going haywire. I use ABP and ScriptNo. Oh, and on the iTouch I use Safari. But that's only when traveling, and because it's the only browse on the iTouch.
All I can say is "About time." Being a website developer, I HATE Internet Explorer. They have been abusing their market share to screw up the standards for years. Any perception that they aren't the browser of choice is most welcome.
I used Firefox for years, and still keep it installed on my systems. But for now, I'm using Chrome. Like Danial, I use the ABP and ScriptNo add-ons. Between those two, I have all the privacy and protection I feel I need. I stopped using Firefox because it started getting too slow and I felt the developers were adding too much Bloat to it. Lots of new 'functions' I had no need or desire to use. Needless to say I only use IE if the website I'm trying to access refuses to play friendly with other browsers and I absolutely NEED to get to that website.
Also important to note- Firefox has add-ons that can dramatically improve web safety and efficiency. Two add-ons that I now install by default with Firefox are: Web Of Trust ( for safe searching. and Adblock Plus ( for automatic content blocking. I also use Flashblock ( to stop auto-loading flash content and NetVideoHunter ( for saving flv content.