Seaside Blue Pearl / Grey interior / Package 7 Arrived at the dealer before Christmas. Picking up January 2.
'06 Classic Silver, package 7. Waiting at the dealer, key in the salesman's office waiting for us to pick up on Jan 2. He assured me no one would be test driving our car.
2006 Classic Silver, package 8. Received a call from my dealer last week, the car is on the boat and will arrive January 7th-10th. B)
2006 Black (#1 color choice) or Seaside Pearl (#2) Package #8 w/bisque leather interior. Ordered mid-September 2005, $500 deposit. Last week the dealer says it'll be here the first or second week of January. OMG, that could be NEXT week!! Suffering from PAS here too...just waiting for that phone call.
Pkg 6, Anything but black, ordered in September, No. California I've been promised the car at MSRP, end of January, but the dealer has twice tried to get me to take an '06 before the end of December. A story. The saleswoman who was assigned to take us for a test drive was new. She got in the car, revved up the ICE, and got out. The engine quit, and a look of horror flickered across her face. She had to drive it off the lot, so we got in. She turned to me and said, "I don't know what to do". I suggested she step on the accelerator. She looked back and said, "I don't think so". I asked her to please try, and she reluctantly agreed. Off we went. (-8
1. I like "pistachio" and think we/Toyota should adopt it. 2. Guaranteed your PAS will worsen---FOUR DAYS TO JAN 1 AND COUNTING--- if you stay tuned here. 3. Jeff Beaver: GREAT story. If you see her again, you should give her a "the works" Prius lesson. Maybe she'll throw in the mats. My own: seaside #3; if the gods are smiling, could be next week.
2006, Dessert Sand, Package 8, plus Spoiler same color, gold trim, and heated seats. Due in next week. MSRP, except for spoiler, gold trim and heated seats. I am selling my 2000 Lexus outright. Michmale
ETA of 06/2006 for a Magnetic Grey NW Package #8. It'll replace the current '06 in my sig. Happy New Year!
2006 Package #8 Red Barcelona. Put down $500 beginning of Sept 05. It has arrived and waiting for 1/2/06 delivery. I am in love already. Oh, and was lucky. Put down my deposit just before Katrina hit. Got it at $1000 below MSRP. Already have the VIN number for my insurance agent. (grin) Prius Anticipation Syndrome (PAS) is peaking for me right about now. HELP!
'06 Seaside Pearl/Gray #3 - Ordered Sept '05. Salesman called last week. Someone decided not to buy. Would I like to buy the car, he says ...well, let me think about it... Picking up next week! Note to Jack 06: Of course you will be compiling a summary of this thread when it's all done, right?
I ordered my 06 barcelona red on the exact same day... also to be delivered on the exact same day!!! Just curious, how did you get them to drop price to 1k under the msrp? nice work!
'06 #6 choice 1 = Classic Silver, choice 2 = Seaside Pearl (blue), I'd happily accept the red, but DH would not be happy. Ordered 10/6/5, "my" car arrived in early Dec and Dealer #1 pushed hard to get me to take it, but I refused, so now he is busily trying to sell it before 2006 despite their assurances to hold it for me. In response I got on a list with Dealer #2 who thinks it will be Feb before something comes in for me. I'll see who gets one here first, and if Dealer #1 honors original agreement (which included package #6 for the price of package #5 which is not available in my region) will buy from them, otherwise will request refund of deposit and wait for Dealer #2.
'06 silver/gray pkg#7 SW Virginia Arriving in port Jan 9th, Delivery- ?? No money down, but I'm doing the paperwork Jan 2nd so it will be mine!
2006 Barcelona Red, Package #8, Papers signed and picking it up January 2, 2006. Denver, Colorado Ordered it in mid October and it came in on December 12th. I put an order in at 3 Toyota Dealers (by Colorado law - all auto deposits are refundable) and glad I did cause I'd still be on the waiting list with the other two dealers. These last weeks are tough to wait it out!
driftwood pearl #8, paid for waiting in las vesgas to pick up on 1/13 flying in driving back. MSRP dealer added a christmas present of the road hazard kit.
2006 Barcelona Red #8 or #7, or Classic Silver #8 or #7 - whichever comes first. The Seattle dealer says if one of these is in the next allocation it will be ours. His last allocation was only 8 cars, next allocation due this Friday. He says we will definitely have one before the end of January, which is fine for us. We turned down a 2005 in October.
That's 37 so far, with an average cost (not counting taxes) of, oh, about $26,500 (might be more) = $980,000 worth of Priuses. The next one will put us over $1M. We should have done 4 or 5 regional group buys, huh?
In September, I added myself to two dealers' waiting lists (one required a refundable deposit; the other didn't) for a 2006 Seaside Pearl #7; in both cases, I said I wanted the car as soon after January 1 as possible, and they both said that my car should come in right around January 1. Both are for MSRP. In the beginning of December, I updated my color preferences (added Classic Silver as a second choice) at the larger dealership, and they told me I was still on track for an early January delivery. I'm getting a little nervous, though, because it seems like everyone else is getting more detailed status updates than I am. I may need to call this week and find out what's going on.