I've seen these signs (below) at a mall in MA. Poor darlings--can't walk a few feet more to a door. I've seen an expectant mom park in one of those spots, then saw her again inside the mall walking her tail off, looking for sales. Oooh, how that bugs me! Back to topic...I don't believe in special places for "fuel-effecient" cars. It makes us look "Pius," aloof and snobbish. I don't need any elite privileges just because of my choice of vehicle.
Your mom sounds like a great role model! I discovered my neighbor was using her husband's handicapped placard when he wasn't with her. Imagine her embarrassment when I saw her vehicle parked in the handicapped spot at Walgreen's and I walked in found her and asked where her husband was.
LOL! We had handicap license plates for my father and my mother would never use the HC spot if he wasn't with her and going into the place of business. One day she was parking in a regular spot when a guy in a truck yelled at her "You have your own damn spots to park in!"
Your mom sounds like a winner. Since that selfless behavior is getting more difficult to come by, it's more evidence as to why the Second Great Depression will eclipse the first, by a long shot. Oh well, let the wailing and gnashing of teeth begin.
The word hybrid means a mix of two or more things. The Prius is a combination of electric and gas. My Excursion is a mix of station wagon and truck. So can I park the Excursion in this type of spot? One thing I like about owning a Prius is using the HOV lane with just one person in it. Love the Prius.
Today, I went to Home Depot which has three Hybrid Car Only spots. In one of the three spots parked a Mercedes sedan with the windows closed. Inside was a woman passenger waiting with the AC on and engine running. I am not aware MB has a hybrid sedan so it pisses me off. Yet what can I do? I am not going to confront people who want to pretend they drive a hybrid vehicle.
Here in the Silicon Valley there are plenty of Mercedes Benz vehicles. I've noticed that a large percentage of the owners seem to operate their vehicles as if laws, common sense, and respect for other human beings simply does not apply to them. They're special... Keith
I've seen "green" plug-in spots at a Walgreen's in Chicago. That's a trend that I'd like to see continue. But special spots for hybrids? Isn't lower opeprating costs its own reward? I don't think we need special parking (which, as you've all said, is abused by non-hybrid drivers anyway) Love the Best-Buy "fuel efficient" parking spots! haha! Does my Porsche 930 qualify? It gets better mileage than a Testarossa!
lol a hybrid parking spot. you crazy? I wouldn't go near that spot if i was paid to park there. i would just feel like a total dick parking in a spot like that. plus i prefer to keep the temptation of others wanting to key my car to a minimum if i can. hell i feel odd parking in the middle of nowhere away from everybody in fear of the same thing. eventually someone will see that and think im just an overprotective yuppy snob and be an a$$hole anyways. oh well people suck life goes on
Hi all-- I have no problem with parking in those spots. It usually saves me time in looking for a parking spot in addition to walking. Probably has the counterproductive purpose of added # around the waistline, though.
I dont want to be that guy...BUT...if any placed wanted "green" parking shouldn't that parking be the furthest from the entrance, so then the people with gas-gusslers could park closer to the door. This way the people with priiii would then have to drive in the parking lot more, using no gas and the people withe the hummers with 5 mpg would have to drive less. I know this will not be popular, but think about it...isn't the point to use less gas and save mother earth before we die in a firey death from meteors or a heroine overdose...hmmm, hmmm....
You have this backwards. The spots furthest away from an entrance to most buildings would be the ones that would require the least amount of gas to get to. Thus all the gas guzzlers should be in those.
We have Hybrid/EV/Pregnant/Parents with Children parking all over. I'm fine with it. Hybrids are popular enough now that I really don't see any kind of hatred toward a parked Prius. Road Rage is a different story. I parked in the Hybrid spot at Fresh and Easy last week just because I was excited that I now had a car that qualified. The spot was a little further out than some of the open spaces. Fresh and Easy has a small parking lot anyway, really all of the spaces are near the door. When I was pregnant I took advantage of the pregnant spots. It was 110 degrees out (I live in the desert) and I was walking (waddling) on black asphalt. You can bet your extra gas money that I was going to make that easier on myself. I would love to see you tell a overly pregnant woman that she should park in the back because walking is good for her. Just be careful where you do it. We don't need a permit to conceal out here.