I do not know but my volume doesn't seem to raise at all when the speed increases and I have it set to HIGH. Other cars I have owned have gotten me spoiled by not having to fiddle with the control all the time. Such is not the case with the Prius. Too bad I think it's a great feature when it works
Agreed--it does nothing in my Prius. I've also had that feature in previous cars, and found it useful; and given how noisy the Prius interior is, it would be particularly useful.
I've been really happy with the way mine works, it gets louder and quieter depending on my speed. Am I misunderstanding something?
My new 2012 Prius III doesn't seem to get louder and softer like it is supposed to. No misunderstanding. It sounds like yours works, but some of ours do not. -Sam
I listened to the radio in my car for the first time and I noticed the ASL didnt work near as well as when I listened to AUX. On AUX it would get very noticiably louder and quieter, on FM it was only the slightest change, so it looks like it might depend on what input your listening to...?
I also have disabled ASL on my 2012 Five- it seems to do nothing at all when enabled. FWIW- I've also noticed a huge difference in volume between the AM stations and the FM stations. If I'm listening to an AM station then tune to an FM station- I can hardly hear the FM station. Conversely- if I'm listening to an FM station then tune to an AM station- the AM station volume is blasting loud. Too bad there isn't a menu option for individual volume adjustment for the different sources- I've had that feature on several aftermarket radios in the past.
My ASL doesn't seem to make a difference either, to the point I forgot I had it. My FM comes on louder than my AM or my satellite stations. Related to ASL?